Chapter 19

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***Louis’s point of view***

My throat was dry. My heart was pounding hard in my chest. “It seems that Jessica hit a vein. Her blood couldn’t circulate properly, so her heart stopped” Grace broke down in tears. Greg skipped to her and wrapped his arms around her. “What… How is she… Will she live?” Harry stuttered, his voice shaking on the same time. “We can’t say anything right now, she’s in a coma at the moment” Grace sobbed hysterical into Greg’s chest. “You can see her, if you want” Grace was too heartbroken to talk. “I don’t think we are strong enough at the moment” He said to the nurse. She nodded and gave the rest of us a look. “Would any one of you like to see her?” I looked at Niall. The tears was streaming down his face, he shook his head. Liam and Zayn was also crying, they nodded. The two girls had their arms wrapped around each other. “We would like to see her as well” Lizzie said. The tears were rolling down my cheeks and further down, until they reached the floor. Harry was a total mess. “I… Don’t know if I can” I took the few steps there was between me and Harry. I put my hand on his shoulder. “She’s your bestfriend” I said. He looked at me. His eyes were red and puffy, his cheeks were wet from the tears and his chest rose and fell in small increments. “Okay” he said.

We all followed the nurse down the hall. She led us into a small room, with a window on one of the walls. We stood in front of it and looked at Jessica, she had a thick tube down her throat and two into her nose. My vision got blurry and the tears streamed out of my eyes. I looked at Zayn, he was a mess. It was worse than when we were in Ghana.

We all sobbed quietly there were almost no sound in the small room. I looked at Harry, I had never seen him like this. He didn’t move, he just stood and stared at her through the window. I put a hand on his shoulder but he stormed out the room. I couldn’t leave Jess.

***Niall’s Point of view***

I was sitting out in the hall; I couldn’t stand Jessica’s mother’s crying. All of the sudden Harry ran out the room and down the hall. I followed him outside. He was screaming, like a crazy man. “Hey mate relax” I said and put my hands on his shoulders. He relaxed his neck making his fall forwards. “You really love her, don’t you?” I asked when I could feel he was relaxed. “Of course, she has been in my life for 4-5 years” Harry said while slowly raising his head. “What if…” I could see the tears form in his eyes. “Don’t worry Harry, she won’t! She’s strong, she’ll get through this” I said and shook his shoulders. He whipped his tears away.

Mona came out, her eyes were red and puffy as well. “Are you okay Harry?” She always had a crush on Harry. She was sweet and all, but she could be a bitch sometimes. Harry didn’t like her either. “I’m fine, you should go inside, it’s cold” Harry said. Mona looked a little hurt. “It’s August but whatever. I know you don’t like me, I just don’t understand why” I rolled my eyes and shook my head. “Your friend is inside in a coma and then you come out here to flirt with me. Maybe that’s why” Harry said. Mona frowned. “You ran out of the room crying. I come out here and ask how you are, and then I’m flirting with you!?” I rubbed my eyes.

“Harry just want to be alone” Mona raised an eyebrow at me. “Why are you even here? You don’t even like Jessica” I felt hurt. “HOW DARE YOU SPEAK ABOUT SOMETHING YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT?!” Harry yelled. “NIALL HAVE BEEN THERE FOR JESSICA ALWAYS!” Mona took a few steps back, because of Harry’s anger. “How can you even say that? He didn’t even want to see her?” She said and pointed at the hospital. “I care too much, I don’t like to see people I care about suffer” I said quietly.

“That might be the stupidest excuse I have ever heard” She said. “That’s enough Mona” Harry said. She shook her head. “Fine, I just don’t think you should act like being friends with her, if you do it for Louis’s benefit” I looked at Harry. I could see he was mad. “Louis’s benefit, not mine, but Louis’s benefit. I just forgot that he was the one who knew here a year before everyone else” Mona sighed. “Oh wait, he didn’t know her before everyone else. I did, I have been her “brother” for 4 years, but she has been with Louis for a day and now it’s like they have been together forever” Harry was really angry. “I knew her before you did” He hissed through his clenched teeth and took a step closer towards her. “I’m sorry Harry” Mona said and ran inside.

“I thought you were going to hit her for a second there” I said a little shocked. “Nobody is talking that way to you” I looked at the ground. “What if Jess thinks the same thing, she said that she didn’t think we would care” Harry shook his head. “She felt alone, she was only focusing on bad things” I would admit, that Jessica and I wasn’t the closest people in the world, but she meant a lot to me. She had been there since always. Harry introduced us to her, to one of his parties. He had talked about her before we met her, so we were all pretty excited.

I remember that I thought, she was one of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen. Still think she is. “I hope you’re right, let’s go back inside” I said and padded Harry’s back. 

Broken trust. ~Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now