Chapter 1

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'...The Gorghunsmirphs are raiding the old planet's last surviving rebellion..'


The Wicked Witch of the West clicked off the television in the corner of the classroom. "Alright, so we need to stay on task! I get that the old planet is cooler than meiosis and mitosis, but I'm giving out a packet this weekend. It's going to be 30% of your final grade this semester, so it better be done right. You'll have til next weekend to get this done."

Lasso snorts and his jaw drops, "This hoe really just sprung this thing on us." He dramatically stands up and storms out of the room. Everybody else had already left when Mrs. Jones finished talking so I don't know who he thinking he putting a show on for. I grab my bag and follow my classmate out to the front of the school.

I start my walk home and stop at the convenience store at the end of my street. I head to the aisle with my favorite peanut butter cookies, freezing when I hear a familiar voice scream-laughing a few aisles away. Dang, I know that loud voice. I snort and yell, "Princess Bryon! Could you stop blabbering like a lunatic for five freaking minutes?!.....Dang!"

I swear I love the kid, but he so loud for no reason.

I finished grabbing my afternoon snack and went straight to my unit. I was going to start the math homework, but that can wait. I know how to count and that's good enough for me, so I settle on my bed and play an audiobook on my Hefrik box.

My peaceful relaxation was quickly ended when my box paused and informed me I had a pending message. Ehh? Can't people leave me be?...ever?

"Hefrik! Who's the message from?"

~You have one unheard message from Pablo less than sign three~

Mmmmm...I like that. I like that a lot. Do I want to stop my tranquil nothing to hear what pretty boy has to say? Do I want to risk my happiness for a chance to hear his voice? YES.

"Hefrik...volume six and play the message."

~Hey, AIR! Just wanted to tell you that you looked really cute today in class. I didn't really notice you came in today, but when Behty farted...I saw you when I tried to turn away. Lol, I thought she crapped herself.........Anyway, you were pretty - aRe prEtTy! You are pretty; not saying you were as in you used to be. Oh no, I'm rambling. Have a nice night. Bye.~

I smiled and laughed at how ridiculous he sounded. Poor dude probably blushed the entire time. He honestly should've ended the message after the first sentence, but it was amusing so I'll let it pass.

"Hefrik...message back, 'Thanks, you looked pretty cool too.' , then send."

Before anymore idiotic messages could be sent through, I rolled over and fell asleep. The bell will ring when it's time for dinner so I'm not worried.



I groaned. " I about to leave the comfort of my bed - OF MY UNIT - to go grab some nasty cafeteria food?" I answered my own question when I rolled my fat butt out of my blanket pile. I got my boots laced up and made my way to the cafeteria.

"Big-shot!! Took ya long enough ya snail!"

I looked over in the direction of where my friends were seated. Judging by the way she's standing with her hands on her hips, I'm assuming Behty was the one to call out to me. "We have been standing here for almost 10 minutes. I'm hungry."

I gave her my coldest 'are you serious' face. "Then go eat something? I ain't know what to tell you. My unit is across the whole base." I walked straight past her and the table all the way to the grub line. Ew. Overly salted lamb. ~Pass~ only other option is the gross smelling beans. I don't want the lamb, but the beans are gonna mess my stomach UP. I choose the beans!

I walk past Behty's table again and head outside. Ain't no way I'm sitting with them eating beans. If Behty was already flatulent this morning then she really finna be dropping gas bombs after dinner. ~Uh oh, stinky...~

I sit my plate down on the dirt and sit next to it, my back leaning against the outside wall of the cafeteria building.

The beans aren't really that bad. They have a nice flavor considering they were grown in artificial soil. When the people on the old planet were still setting up the base we live in now, they sent up a bunch of different seeds and canned non-perishable goods. They even wrote out what would be needed to grow different things and how to maintain them. How thoughtful.

I finished my beans and disposed of my dishes before making the 'almost 10 minute' trek back to my unit.

Finally, I can lay down and fall back to sleep. I know I'm going to need it if I want to get a head start on the science packet from the Wicked Witch of the West tomorrow. I'll be darned if I screw up my good grade because I got lazy and irritated.


When I open my eyes the next morning, something feels off. Nothing in my unit looks out of place, I don't feel ill or anything; it just doesn't feel right. I get up and take my shower anyway. If I skipped school with the excuse 'something don't feel right', then I'll really be in for it.

It's when I stepped into my classroom that I really felt something was off. Lined up against the far wall were my classmates, and in front of them were a handful of the authority bots with their pistols out and facing the floor.

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