A Masked Meeting 😀

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Hello author here wanna show you some tips for reading this.

😀 = Boring / Plot

😭 = Angst

🥹 = Fluff

🥴 = Smut

Bold = author

Italics = thoughts

Underlined = written words

"Quotations" = talking

*asterisks* = action

Hunter's POV :

I was patrolling in an unknown area Belos had sent me to look at. I was looking around for hours until I found a large house. I knocked on the door and waited until I was greeted by a tall, brunette long haired, guy with a t-shirt that has the letters SF on it. "Hey there, who are you?" He asked. "I'm the Golden Guard, doing a patrol, I'm supposed to inspect the area and any inhabitants there are to be inspected and made sure to be in covens."

I just noticed his ears, they were round. So I followed that up with, "O-oh sir, are you by any chance a human..?" "Yes..." the teen replied. "How did you get here, if you don't mind me asking?" "Why should I tell you?"He asked. "Because I know someone from the human realm who wants to get home. I responded. "Sorry if you consider it rude for me to be asking, but why do you wear that mask? He said. Before I could say anything he also said, "My name is Larry." "Hunter." I said. "And, I wear this for work."

"I want you to meet someone." Larry said. He came back with a shorter teen a human, with blue pig-tails, and a mask of some sort.

"This is Sal, he doesn't wear this for "work" so don't ask what's under it." Larry said seeming to be angry, he introduced his "friend" to me. "I apologize if this sounds rude, but I am required to come in."  I tell him as he cautiously nods. I look around spotting another teen, who had green eyes and brown hair, as well as round ears. I looked around the house and I spotted a room that said KEEP OUT.   I walked in and it smelled rotten in there. It smelled like apple blood as well as a smell I couldn't identify. (The unknown smell is weed) I looked around and it seemed like a normal room, especially considering the personality of Larry. Except for one thing. I noticed a separate room and I was met with an extreme change of surrounding. Except for the smell, that was still the same. There was a large royal purple bed with curtains surrounding the bed, I saw pictures of the two teens that had answered the door, as well as paintings of the shorter of the two teens. I found it interesting that there was only paintings of either the blue haired teen, or random paintings.

 I went outside and saw a pink tree, similar to the one that the human talked to me about near Hexside, but this one was different. It had a treehouse attached to it.i thought it was none of my business to snoop around in there. I looked around the rest of the house, and gave the teens my penstagram (Pretend that a bunch of humans just casually have scrolls.)  I wanted to possibly become allies with the masked teen and Larry.

 540 words! I'm very exited about this series(?)!! Im also ver exited to be writing this!

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