Chapter Seventeen

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This chapter confuses me so I'm gonna try to fix it as I past it.

So Emily was really excited and the night before she went to a party, not a party that evolved alcohol or drugs, just dancing. Emily was so excited that she found an old book that was empty and made it a diary(A/N: oh how I wish it was Tom Riddles diary. If only Emily was telling Tom about her problems 😂). She only wanted to write this one thing in it but it would become full over time. So as you're wondering what she was excited about and what was she going to write in the diary, I'll copy it down.

Ok I don't know how to use a diary but I had to write this down. First ok I don't know if I have to put the date down but I will any way. Second do I write the year? Third do you put numbers or do you write it in words? Ok I'll just do 15/2/2013 thats the Australian way it's not the American way which is 2/15/2013. Weird Americans. Now I'll start the story.
(A/N: I hope that wasn't the year I did this... That means I was 14 and having twelvie problems. OH PLEASE LET ME BE MAKING UP A DATE)

So I went to a party that didn't have alcohol or drugs it was just dancing and weird people making out around the walls. It was a big place not someone's house and Darren was going to go to the party too. So I was just standing near a corner and I saw Darren. At this point I didn't know he was coming but I'm glad he came. So I was looking at him thinking "is that Darren?" and he was looking at me thinking "is that Emily?" (A/N: yes in the diary you know what he was thinking. This is the first time I'm reading through this so it'll be full of my criticism) so I went near him to see if it was him and it was. So I came up to him and asked if he would dance me, he said yes.

So we were dancing and both of us aren't that bad and it was good music, but we couldn't think of any thing to talk about so it was kinda awkward. But then he said "so this in nice, you know dancing, talking a little ummm..."
He didn't have anything else to say so I said "yeah it's nice dancing, it's good music so that's good." I knew that was stupid I said good twice. But then he leaned his head closer than mine and I thought he was going to whisper something but instead

Sorry, my pencil broke. Ok so where was I. (A/N: I added those marks because if a pencil breaks it leaves a mark not 4 spaces.) Oh, but instead he kissed me which I did NOT see coming. So being stupid me I pulled away and stared at him as if he had just, if he had just... I got nothing. Basically I stared at him as if he kissed me when I didn't want him to, but I did want him to I was just shocked. So after seeing my face Darren said "oh um I'm so, so sorry I was just... I mean it was awkward and I just. I was just..." this was going nowhere so I just grabbed his shirt collar and kissed him. Well, made out with him. After a very long time which was kind of weird but nice weird I pulled away again. And he was staring at me like this--->😱 but without the hands on the side of his face. It was kinda funny his mouth was wide open and his eyes looked like the were going to pop out of his head. I'm laughing just thinking about it.
The only thing he said after that was "wwwwww wwhhhha wwhhhhhoooooo whhh whhaaaa wa wahhhhoo www ooow wa...
Wow" it kind of made me laugh a bit. So instead of dancing we sat down at one of the walls and watched people dance. But Darren wanted to talk which was alright with me.
This is our conversation:

Darren: wow
Me: is that the only thing you can say?
Darren: wow
Me: is that a yes or a no?
Darren: wow
Me: ok
Darren: why did you kiss me?
Me: what do you mean?
Darren: before you kissed me I kissed you, but you pulled away and stared at me
Me: well I just wasn't expecting it
Darren: oh, we'll I wasn't expecting your kiss
Me: well you weren't going anywhere with you conversation, so I kissed you to say I'm sorry I pulled away I wasn't expecting it and to say SHUT UP
Darren: thats a nice way to say shut up
Me: it is isn't it?
Darren: yeah
Me: actually why did you kiss me?
Darren: well it was awkward and I was trying to break the ice
Me: I never got that expression
Darren: yeah me neither I just know how to use it in a sentence and also I kissed you because your my girlfriend
Me: that makes sense
Darren: so what do you want to do now?
Me: I don't know what do you want to do now?
Darren: well I kind of wanted to...
Me: to... What?
Darren: to kiss again
Me: didn't I kiss you for long enough?
Darren: yeah but I was in shock so it didn't count
Me: how did it not count?
Darren: I don't know but I'll be expecting this one
Me: ok then
Darren: really?
Me: yeah why not

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