Never Trust A Psychopath In A Library

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I swear I never wanted this to happen. I always wanted to be a superhero. Now, when I said that I didn't mean I wanted to get bitten by a radioactive spider. 

I don't really remember getting bitten. I just remember waking up with a small bite on my neck, then BOOM I can make webs. 

I moved my hand to get get my glasses from my bed, when silk webs shot out of my wrists.

My first instinct was to freak out and tell my mom, but she'd send me to a doctor. Then that doctor would send me to a lab and run tests on me for the rest of my life. No ma'am, that was not going to fly, Christmas was in a few days and I was on break."

But when I finally came to my senses, no pun intended, I could see and feel everything. My body was so aware of everything. Everything was so loud and in my face I couldn't process it. I sat down in my chair, this is what had woken me up. The sound of every person, machine, and animal in New York.

I stubbled into the kitchen. My mom had already left for work and my sister, Carter, was probably still asleep. I clutched my head. I was getting used to the noise, and the way my eyes darted around the room expecting something to jump out at me. 

I needed help. But not from doctors or scientists, I needed help from people with experience with these kind of things. 

I need Spider-man. The real one. The one that defended New York 20ish  years ago. The Spider-Man that helped save the universe. I need that Spider-Man. Just one little thing, how do we find the best kept secret of our generation? That my dear, is an amazing question, unfortunately, I don't have an answer. 

So ladies and gentlemen, who do we go to for answers? My best friend, Max.

I called him, "Max!" I whisper/yell into the phone. "Max!" I repeat. "Max I swear to god if you don't answer." The phone finally stopped ringing and he answered. "Dude, it 7 in the morning on a weekend. Go back to bed." 

"No! No! Max! There's something important that just happened I need you to meet me at the coffee shop in 5 minutes. Please, it important." There was a brief moment of hesitation but then he finally agreed. "I'll meet you there in five minutes." Before he hung up, he sighed loudly.

I ran to my room and grabbed the first shirt and pair of jeans I could find. I was interrupted several times by shooting webs. Putting on a pair of shoes as I tried to get out of the house and trying to deal with silky webs coming from my wrists was not the brightest idea I've had. But there was no time to waste. I had woken up with all my dreams coming true.

Sprinting out of my apartment building, I made my way to the coffee shop that was only a block way from home. A familiar raven haired friend was already sitting at a table. I sat in front of him. He looked up from his notebook, dark circles laid under his eyes. He had probably spent all night drawing and watching stranger things. 

He glared at me, "What is this super important thing you needed to tell me?" 

He took a gulp of water as I looked around the little shop, no one else was here. In the softest voice possible, I said, "I may or may not have been bitten by a radioactive spider and I may or may not have spider powers." 

Max spit out his water. His jaw hanging open. I closed his mouth. "Don't do that, it's rude." He stared at me for a long minute.

 "Like Spider-Man?" He asked with both fear and excitement mixed in his voice. I nodded, looking down at my hands. 

"Prove it." He told me. I looked up confused. "Prove you're spider man." 

I sighed. "I- I can't control it." 

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