oc info

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Above is my oc

Name: Jackie garcia

Age: 10

Occupation: harrisons magical assistant

Likes: good, her friends, the wilderness, magic (duh), roleplay, theatre, her choker

Dislikes: Cameron cambell, snow, scars, flower scouts, wood scouts, blood

Relations: harrison (crush, best friend) nerris (friends) preston (friends) Nikki, Neil, max (acquaintance, friends)

Bio: Jackies parents didn't really care for her in their eyes, always to caught up in their own trauma and arguments to realize that they take their anger out on her and use her at their punching bag. Though they never intended it, she sees it as they do do it as from the way they argue and act towards each other she assumes it was all on their own accord. She wants to go to majic camp in order to get away from the fighting and verbal abuse. When ariving to camp david showed her around and introduced her to harrison, and in turn, introduced her to nerris and preston. Nerris and preston didn't really trust her because she arrived in pink and white, and when they over heard what Neil and Nikki said about them, thought they were assholes. But when you cussed out nurf for stabbing your arm him, they thought you were badass and support you completely after that. They noticed that you acted strange towards harrison and when they conforted you on it and she immediately got flustered. They knew what was up after that and they absolutely tease the shit outta you 24/7 because of it. They eventually accidently told Nikki when ranting about random shit and when she told Neil and max, all hell broke loose. They tease you more than nerris and preston combined, which is quite a feat considering how much they are around you. In current timeline she is still crushing on harrison and her parents were planning a divide before she left.

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