Not Dead Sadly

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Hello lovelies and whomever,

I am very much alive and somewhat well. Well, not after reading this fucking cliche ass story😂😭 It's been like 6 years since I started writing this book and was sick to see how this childish writing got somewhere.

Anywhore, I was thinking that I completely re-write a lot of it from scratch with a different approach because while this book may be half satirical, it's still a little over the top. I'd like to write something a lot less cringey to honor my one beloved fandom I only ever got in. It's been a while so it's going to be a challenge but never the less I can get through it this time. I've matured a lot more, my writing skills as well as vocabulary have beyond exceeded what it once was, and over all I'd like to make everyone happy and the story a little bit more bearable to read.

I think I'll go with a little bit more of a realistic approach. Let me know if you guys would be interested because I've finally overcome all my mental issues and I'm not suffering from writers-block.

I've missed you guys🫶🏼

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2022 ⏰

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