And Then There Was Nothing

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Emotion: Sadness
Started: December 22, 2022.
Finished: December 22, 2022
Published: February 18, 2023
General words: 441
Story Words: 383

The wind was blowing from East, making it harder for me to ride up the hill. I was tired, that was for certain. My legs were about to give up, I wanted to stop and just let myself slide back down, onto the rough, and hard pavement that was at the bottom.

My eyes were closing, I had to force them open. The winter nights were cold, and dark. It was maybe 10 pm, or 11 pm. I had lost track of time ages ago.

I could see the top, it was right there, yet so far away. It felt as if I wasn't moving, it was. It was moving away.

As I stepped harder onto the peddles, I could feel my feet getting cold. It wasn't the best idea to wear sneakers, in the winter months.

The wind was blowing harder, it wanted me to give up, and let myself fall down, I couldn't let it do so.

Everything was blurry, I could see the white dots, that I guessed to be snow. It was snowing hard, and it wasn't stopping anytime soon.

The snow landing on my hair, my hands, and the concrete. Making the road slippery, if I stopped now, I would slide right back down to where I began.

My hands felt frozen, the snow was turning them pale. How could I forget to wear gloves? It was winter, after all.

It was freezing cold. Everything hurt, I couldn't feel my feet nor my hands, they might as well have fallen off.

Everything was hopeless, I could as well just give up, what would change, if I was not going to make it?

That was it.

I stopped trying, I let go of the peddles, and the tightened my grip.

Everything was spinning, I was probably falling. I couldn't feel it, but I was indeed falling.

I was falling fast, my back suddenly hit the concrete, pain oozing through my body. My eyes wanted to close, as I hit the concrete again.

Everything turned black, and my head hit the concrete as well, I turned my head to the side, seeing the silhouette of my bike.

It was a mistake turning my head, because I could feel the liquid, running down my face.

And then there was nothing.


Hope you all enjoyed this first story, if you couldn't tell, the main character, the ones who's thoughts we hear, dies in the end, they give up hope, and slide back down to where they began, even though they made it so far.


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