Birth, Death, And Then What?

13 1 2

Emotion: Sadness, grief
Started: February 18, 2023
Finished: February 18, 2023
Published: February 18, 2023
General words: 843
Story Words: 796

December 12th, 1974

"Penny, Penny Williams, that's her name." I said to the nurse, tears running down my face, as I held her in my arms, my perfect little girl.

November 24th, 1976

"Darling did you pack the diapers, her pacifier, a set of extra clothes and-" I was interrupted by his lips meeting mine, I could never get tired of that. "Yes I have, I've packed everything, don't worry." He smiled, oh that smile, I could only hope she would have it too. "June?" I turned my head to look at my husband. "Yes?" "I love you", he smiled once again, oh could I just melt now, "I love you too, I'll wait in the car, with Penny okay?" I looked at my gorgeous baby girl, in my arms, she was sleeping peacefully, and hopefully she would the entire ride.

December 12th, 1980

"Baby you have to have your hair tied up, we can't have it burn off." I said, gently forming a pony tail of her beautiful blonde hair, wrapping a hair tie around it, as my husband lit the candles. "How big of a girl are you now?" I smiled. "6! Very big girl!" She had her fathers smile, bless the lord because mine was not as pretty. "Yes, very big girl." I smiled, I couldn't stop smiling, I loved my little family, it was perfect. Penny blew out the candles, closing her eyes to wish, before Chris cut her a piece.

August 8th, 1988

"Mom!" I turned my head, and there was my beautiful girl, in a gorgeous red summer dress, with her dads old denim jacket. "Look at you! You look just like me when I was your age!" I turned to get the camera, she hates it now, but in some years she'll love it. "Big smile for me, okay?" The camera clicked, I looked at my watch. "Lord, we're gonna be late, get your bag I'll wait for you in the car." I panicked, we were late for her first day of kindergarten, elementary, and middle school, we can't have that for Highschool, this time we were gonna be on time.

January 27th, 1991

I held onto the seatbelt for dear life, Penny did ace all her tests and exams, but her drivers, not so much. This was her first time driving, and I was scared for dear life, she had gone over the speed limit at least 7 times, and we were barely a mile from home. "Penny for gods sake, you almost hit that bike!" I screamed, after she hit the brakes just barely stopping in front of a kid with a bike. "I know what I'm doing mom, I saw her." She smiled. Her dads smile, which reminded me of where we were going. The hospital.

September 2nd, 1992

A year of hard battle, I tried to tell myself, he's in a happy place, June, he's in a better place. I held Pennys hand, as she struggled to breathe. I was sick and tired of white hospital walls, they had been all I knew for a long while, beds in the halls, nurses in blue sweatsuits, I was sick and tired of it, but I also didn't want it to end. I couldn't stop staring at the flat line, the room was filled with Pennys sobs, my breathing, a loud beeping sound, and the sound of doctors running in and out of the room. This was goodbye, he was okay, the lord is gonna take care of him.


"You were right mom, I love it", I closed the photo album, and lifted my head, to look at her grave, once more. "I love you", tears were running down my face. I looked over.

Chris John Williams Jr.
April 5th 1940, - September 2nd 1992
Lost in hard battle.

It was right. Her grave was like his.

June Williams
May 7th - 1944 - December 23rd 2004
Loved by all

I love you, I couldn't get the words out, but I could think them. It was snowing. Christmas was hard without her, my birthday was hard without her, life is hard without her.

I picked up my baby, the only one I had left. My little baby, Charlie. He's got his fathers eyes, which pains me every day, I can't believe I lost him too, how could I be so, careless?

I still remember when the car hit, why did it have to be on the right side? Why why why.

Charlie was all I got. I had lost everyone. My dad, my boyfriend, my mom. I barely had myself left. But I was gonna stay strong for Charlie, I had to.

People are born, people live, they love, then they die. Then what? Then nothing?

Just, nothing?


Death of a parent is one of the hardest things to cope with. I know. It can get better, if you try. If you try, it will.


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