Chapter 9: New Schools (Part 3)

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It was a small gymnasium. With a smooth pine wood floor, and seating for several hundred people to watch games. One of the seating areas was pulled up into the wall, and underneath were mirrors and a gold bar. Her fingers itched to touch it.

"I'm Muriel," the woman said as Julie stared around. "I will be directing your dance class. Kara, it is good to see you take it up again, but I'm sorry you gave up chorus to be in here. I understand you have a beautiful voice."

 "I was tired of being the only one in there, and Ms. Rosewind said that I knew everything she could teach already. Besides, I wanted to be in a class with Julie without everyone else around." Kara blushed and didn't meet Julie's eyes.

She was so bubbly and sweet that it was hard to find her odd. But it was strange for any girl to become so attached to another after only meeting once. Julie should have felt creeped out, though she might be a little desperate too if there were no other girls in her class and suddenly one showed up. Of course the three boys in her class seemed as desperate to impress her and be friends too. Maybe she was the odd one here.

Muriel cleared her throat and looked uncomfortable. "Well, Kara can show you where to change. You did bring something to wear for today, right?"

"If she didn't, she can borrow something from me," Kara volunteered helpfully. She pulled out several bright floral print leotards.

"Umm, I have something." She wasn't sharing clothes with a girl who was almost a foot taller than her.

 "Go change. We are already late to start. Next time I expect you both changed and ready by the second bell. No excuses. Chop chop." Muriel clapped her hands as she said the last part.

Kara pulled her off to the changing rooms, giggling. "I forgot how strict she can be."

A few minutes later they met Muriel back in the main gym.

"All right, let's get to the stretches and basic moves. Let me see what I have in you, Julie. It has been a long time since I have had a good dancer, but your parents assured me that you were great." She lifted her right eyebrow, sure that this was a lie. "Kara, do what you remember."

She waved at Kara dismissively. Obviously, the teacher didn't think Kara had what it took. The other girl didn't mind though. She smiled and went over to the bar, gracefully holding onto it and touching her toes.

Julie gulped. Maybe it wouldn't be that easy to impress her.

Muriel stayed back, watching her every move. She was used to this and relaxed into her stretches. She was surprised when Muriel came up behind her and moved her ever so slightly. It couldn't have been more than a few centimeters from her normal stance. "There, now try that bend again."

Julie shrugged and kept herself in the position the woman fixed her in. She bent over and was surprised to find that the bend was easier and smoother than before. The rest of the first hour Muriel spent correcting her posture slightly, and Julie was impressed. Each slight posture change was something that only a skilled instructor would catch, and they really did make a difference.

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