The Baby

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Elsa hit all the milestones early. By 6 months she would say her first word and it wasn't 'mama' or 'dada'. It was Maggy, Mrs. Stan's name and Stan Choge, Mr. Stan's name. This shocked them more than it even excited them. By the time she hit 1 year she could write, perform complex mathematical calculation and count to 1 trillion.

By the age of 2 she had decided for herself that Elsa was too specific of a name for a girl. She decided that it should be changed to Elya and because the most prominent part was the male part she decided that she should be a he.

At three years was when everything went south. Mrs. Stan got sick, a cancerous growth on her back was identified late and she was put in a medically induced coma. After a year in hospital and in an unresponsive coma, Stan had to make the most painful decision. To let her wife go. He had lost a daughter and now a wife.

The bright and bubbly Elya regressed. It was like everything that was going on registered in her little genius mind. Something about him changed. Went from reciting the alphabet to staring at one place all day. Sometimes he would play with me and teach me math. But most of the time he was inside his head.

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