24. Poguelandia

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The hook starts coming down.

JJ connects it.
"Take her up Pope!" JJ yells. The cross starts getting lifted.
"Slowly!" I yell.

"Take her to the middle." I yell noticing it go to the side. JJ grabs the rope. The cross hits the side dragging JJ.
"Pope!" I yell.
"Shit sorry!" He yells.

I walk over to JJ.
"You okay?" I ask. He nods standing up.

"Your other middle!" I yell. The cross gets lifted and I can hear Cleo yelling.

"Where's John B, Kie, and Sarah?" I yell.
"I don't know, don't see him at the lifeboat!" Cleo yells. I look over at JJ.

"Hurry!" Cleo yells to Pope.
"Let's go help John B load it on the lifeboat." JJ says starting to run out. I follow.

We get out and start walking.

JJ looks over the side.
"Clear." He says as we continue walking.

The captain is standing there.
"JJ." I say freezing.
"Of course. There's more of you." He says pulling out a knife. "Get down on your knees."
"Yeah, that's not gonna happen." JJ says. The guy swings and JJ ducks. He swings at him again. I catch his arm and JJ helps me hold it against the wall.

JJ punches him. I open the door and hit him with it.
"Where's John B and Kiara?" JJ asks.

I run to the side.
"John B! Kie!" I yell. There's no one.

JJ pushes the captain. He gets back up with the knife.
"JJ!" I yell. Eberhimi swings it at him. JJ falls back.
"Y/n!" He yells. I turn and see him about to swing at me. I duck.

"Y/n!" JJ yells before jumping on Eberhimi.

He lets go and Eberhimi turns to me. He swings and I duck. He ends up hitting JJ.

He falls off the boat and into the water.

I kick Eberhimi before jumping over. He's passed out.

"JJ!" I yell swimming over. I keep his head up but it's bringing me down too.

"JJ! Please!" I yell since he's still passed out. "Stay with me."

I refuse to let him go. My head sinks under and I force it back up. My legs are starting to hurt.
"JJ! Please!" I yell.

I'm holding on to him as tightly as I can.
"JJ. Stay with me. They're coming. We're gonna be okay. Please. Stay with me." I say feeling the tears about to fall.

"John B! Help!" I scream unsure how much longer I can hold us. "Please!"

I see a lifeboat.
"Y/n!" Kie yells.

I start swimming over to them carefully.

Pope and John B pull him in. Cleo and Kie help me on.

I get over to JJ and put his head on my lap. I move the hair out of his face. He has to wake up.

We see the cross being pulled on.

The engine stops.
"John B?" Sarah says.
"Guys." I say wanting to leave.
"What's happening?" Kie asks.

"We're stalling out." John B says.
"You serious? We're sitting ducks." Pope says.
"We gotta go!" I yell.
"I'm trying."

I look up and see Rafe pointing a gun at us.
"We gotta go." Sarah says.
"I'm trying."

I look down at JJ.
"Please wake up." I whisper shaking him.

We start moving.

"JJ, wake up!" I yell as a tear rolls down my face.
"You gotta wake up." John B says.
"Get up!" I yell. He starts coughing water.

"There you go, cough it out." John B says.
"Welcome to the land of the living." Pope says.
"No CPR needed, huh?" John B says.

JJ looks at me.
"Hi." I say.
"Sup?" He says. We laugh and I hug him.

"Just always looking for attention." John B laughs.
"Whatever it takes." JJ says.

I clean up his blood.
"What the hell happened?" He asks.
"Blunt end of a machete."
"The blunt end."
"Next time, duck." Cleo says.
"I'll try to remember that next time. Thanks." JJ says.

"This shit ain't over." Pope says.
"Never is." I say.

We get to a random island. I hop out with the girls and we sit down. The guys pull the lifeboat on.
"Good job!" We yell.

"JJ, you alright?" John B asks.
"Yeah. Still a little dizzy." He says.
"Y/n?" John B asks looking at me.
"Feels like a bruise." I say. It hurts but I'll live.

"Okay, anyone know where we're at?" JJ asks as they sit too.
"Deserted beach. Unknown island." Pope says.
"Alright. I'll take that as a no." JJ says.
"Plan A, huh?" I say.
"Went well." JJ says.
"This is the lowest we can go. We literally have nothing else to lose. The cross, gone."
"The gold, gone."
"Seriously, if we had a nickel for every time we got beat up, I'd say we're at a dollar fifty." JJ says.
"That's more than I got on me." Kie says.

"We've had some good stuff happen." John B says.
"Name something." Pope says.
"Uh- the boiler room." He says. Cleo looks at him confused. "What? If the boiler didn't explode, I wouldn't have gotten away from Rafe. I couldn't have gotten the Zodiac and gotten us out of here." John B says.
"That wasn't luck." Cleo says. "That thing was gonna blow the second I stopped feeding it."
"Stealing my thunder, Cleo."

"Okay, Pope you're related to Denmark Tanny."
"I lost all his inheritance." Pope says.
"You know what? Guys this it it. This is the Pogue life. We are in the Caribbean. It's our own little slice of paradise. With my best friends, with my family. I don't know. I wouldn't wanna do it with anyone else. Look and while you guys were complaining about every little thing... JJ?"
"Hmm?" JJ asks.
"I was looking at those burly lefts." John B points to the water.
"There's some slabs out there."
"Just a few."

I stand up.

"Come on Kie." I say to her.
"There's no boards."
"We can bodysurf till we make some." John B says.
"They do look pretty tasty."
"Oh, yes, they do."
"There's nobody around. We could squat here for a bit."

"Kinda belongs to us now, huh?" I say.
"They got a point."
"Poguelandia." JJ says in an accent. I laugh. "I claim thee Poguelandia." He says.
"Like the ring of it." I say.
"We should make a flag. It's gonna have a chicken on it. With a coconut bra, smoking a J in crocs." He says.

We all laugh.
"I could use a J." I say.
"Can we vote?" Sarah asks.
"Shall we get to work?" Pope asks John B.
"Let's go."

JJ puts his arm around me and kisses the top of my head. I look over at see Sarah and John B get up.

"To going full Pogue!" I yell.
"What's a Pogue anyway?" Cleo asks Pope. I laugh.
"You have a lot to learn." I say.

We start using sticks to catch fish and then make a fire to cook them.

JJ has his arm around me as we all talk.

"I can get used to this." I say.

(A.n: so ig this is over for now. once season 3 is out i'll write more then

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