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Nick's pov

It was 6:50 a.m., at 8:00 a.m. the plane would take off and I had to get moving.
I finished packing my suitcase with the last few things and then sprayed myself with a few drops of perfume and put on my beige coat.
I checked that I had everything and left the house, loading my luggage into the car.
Once I arrived, I walked into the airport and looked around confusedly, understanding practically nothing about all the writing on the boards.
I asked an attendant for information and walked toward the check in.
Having finished all the various procedures, it was now 8:00 a.m. and the flight departed.
I watched the scenery from the window, while my seat neighbor's snoring was ruining my mental journey.
More and more thoughts passed through my head, so much so that I almost got a headache.
The fear, the unknown, the confusion, the new environment, the new people....
Everything new and different was making me not anxious, more so!

Moreover, who knows if I will fit in, who knows if I will miss my girlfriend Emily, and most of all who knows if-

My thoughts were interrupted by the loudspeaker announcing the near-landing, so I looked out the window and saw the earth getting closer and closer.
I got out of the vehicle and took a breath: Brooklyn was there, in front of me, before my eyes, under my feet and in the air.
It was all so different and strange to me, so I started toward a cab and told the cab driver to take me down the street to my rental accommodation.
Once I got there, I paid him and looked around, then advanced and came to the cage where they gave out keys for the apartments.
I took them from a funny, awkward guy with a curly white beard and a rather strange smell.
I went inside and took the elevator arriving on the fourth floor, my floor.
I went to door number 10 ignoring door number 11 and opened it with a strange card, apparently a new alternative way instead of a key!

I entered and left my suitcase in the 'entrance, then observed the small quarters, which were not bad at all.
The walls were white and light brownish, then there was a bedroom, a bathroom, a balcony and the kitchen.

Tidying up the house a bit and hanging my clothes in the closet, I settled down and looked at the time: 4 p.m.

"Man, I have to get moving, it's so late and in half an hour I have to be at school or I'll end up being looked down upon by the school principal and the other teachers."

I hurried and as I went to the bathroom my phone rang; it was Emily.
I answered my girlfriend's call and quickly showed her the quarters, telling her I would take better pictures of her the next day since I was in quite a hurry at that moment.
All of a sudden I heard some loud music coming from the wall next to mine in accommodation 11, but I tried not to pay much attention to it.
It continued the noise for quite a while even when I finished my phone call with Emily, so I decided to go and have a chat with the owner or landlady of that apartment.
I knocked on that door but there was no answer, in fact it increased more so I decided to give up and try one more time.
As I went to get my backpack, the music ceased and my ears were finally at peace.
After a few minutes, I left the house and walked toward the school, which was about a 15-minute walk away.

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