Chapter 1 - Levi

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There's blood everywhere. On the floor, on his hands, on his shirt. Levi Combe stumbles as he scrambles to his feet, bile rising in his throat. A knife slips from his fingers, clattering to the floor, and he stares at it in shock — he doesn't remember picking it up in the first place.

Sirens wail in the distance, making his heart race with fear. They can't be coming for him, can they? No, it's too soon. Or is it? Any of the neighbours could have seen him and made the call. He can't stay. He needs to leave, now.

He grabs the box of belongings that he came for and makes his way to the door. In his haze, he doesn't notice the bloody footprints he leaves behind, nor that the door to the flat doesn't click shut behind him. His thoughts are focused solely on getting to his car and getting home as soon as possible.

Opening the driver's side door, Levi tosses the box onto the passenger seat and slides onto the seat. It's only then that he realizes that his blood-stained hands are shaking. Taking a deep breath, he wipes the blood on his jeans, then slowly exhales, trying to remember all the breathing exercises he's ever been taught.

They're not much help. Whoever came up with them probably didn't have his particular situation in mind.

Throwing the car into reverse, he pulls out of his parking space and then shifts into gear, the tires squealing as he tears out of the lot. He's halfway home before he realizes that it's the first place they'll look for him and slams on the brakes.

Cars honk behind him, but he tunes them out as his mind races. Dare he risk it? Where else can he go?

The honking gets more frantic, and he curses under his breath as he punches the gas again. All he's got on him are the now-dirty clothes he's wearing and about fifty quid in his wallet. Not nearly enough; he's going to have to chance it.

He slows down as he approaches his building, and he's about to pull over when he spies the police car on the other side of the street. Swearing under his breath, he keeps going, his heart pounding as he passes the marked vehicle. He monitors it through the rear-view mirror as he continues down the street, watching to see if it turns and follows him.

When it doesn't, he exhales in relief, but now he's got a fresh problem.

How does he get into his flat without being seen?

It's probably not there for him, he rationalizes. That wouldn't make sense — they should all be at Lucy's flat, taking photos and bagging evidence. If someone's even called it in yet — maybe they don't know.

But what if it is? Or what if he goes inside and then the call goes out and the bobby in the car is right there to answer it? He'd be toast.

Levi looks at his phone, which is lying on the seat beside him. Could he call someone? But no, they'll check his phone records. Anyone caught helping him will be in trouble, and he doesn't want that. He can't put his friends in that position.

A thought crosses his mind, and he checks the clock on the dash.

Maybe there's someone who can help. It's a massive risk, but at this point, what isn't?

He checks to make sure everything's clear, then makes a U-turn, followed by a right.

"C'mon, please be there," he mutters under his breath as he pulls into a library parking lot a few minutes later. He scans the vehicles parked there, his eyes finally lighting on the one he's looking for. "Yes!"

Cars are parked on either side of it, but there's an open space opposite, which he pulls into. And then it's just a matter of waiting.

A group of small kids exits the building, talking excitedly to the parents that accompany them, and something tugs at his heart. He's not ready for children of his own — far from it. But dammit, he might someday. He wants to be free to at least have the chance.

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