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"Why won't you get up" Han Min-hee asked her 17 year old daughter who was under her blankets

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"Why won't you get up" Han Min-hee asked her 17 year old daughter who was under her blankets. Min-hee looked at her and sighed before grabbing the blankets and yanking it off the girl who groaned

"mom five more minutes" Jisoo said before turning over to the other side away from her mother, the older women rolled her eyes she had to do this everyday.

"we dont have five more minutes your late already why must we do this everyday Jisoo your 17 you should be more responsible" Min-hee said as she grabbed her daughters clothes and laid them neatly on the girls dresser the only neat thing in the girls bedroom before looking back at the girl "im gonna leave and if your not up in 5 minutes your grounded also when you come home your cleaning this god awful room" Min-hee said as she walked out of the girls room.

"my room is chaos and i thrive in chaos mama" Jisoo yelled out to her mother as she sat up and rubbed her eyes she looked out her window to see her best friends Lee Cheong-san ,Han Gyeong-su and Yen Yuri walking over to her apartment building making the girls eyes go wide, rushing to grab her clothes to get ready almost falling. She looked at her self in the mirror before being satisfied with her look, grabbing her bag and phone and running downstairs.

"YAH slow down before you fall child" Min-hee said as her daughter ran past her.

"sorry mama i'm off I love you I hope you have a great day at work" Jisoo said as she ran out the door closing it once she heard her mother tell her bye.  As her three friends made their way up the stairs she crossed her arms over her chest and tried to make it seem like she didn't just wake up and run through her house.

"you're late iv'e been standing out here for a good" Jisoo said as she looked at her fake watch on her wrist "10 minutes explain yourselves" She looked at the three who laughed Cheong-san walked over to her and put a arm around her sholder as they started walking.

"Jisoo my dear we were here 10 minutes ago knowing you were going to be late we went to the store and got you some snacks" Cheong-san said as he lifted the bag of food for the girl to take as he took her backpack making the girl gasp

"you shouldnt have aww you guys care about me" Jisoo gave Cheong-san a kiss on the cheek and looked through the bag not noticing the boy face go red

"well it was my idea knowing you don't eat in the morning"  Gyeong-su said as he walked ahead with Yuri next to him head phones in her ear.

"thank you Gyeong-su for thinking about me" Jisoo said very sarcastically before looking at the boy next to her

"You look pretty today" Jisoo said poking his cheek making the boy smile and look at her

"why thank you Jisoo" He said before whispering in her "you look very pretty also" making Jisoo blush

"Barf" Gyeong-su turned around and made a throwing up motion making Jisoo run up and kick the back of his leg making him almost fall

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