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When Kay finally came it was almost 11 o'clock and my mom was already mad because she's usually in bed around a certain time

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When Kay finally came it was almost 11 o'clock and my mom was already mad because she's usually in bed around a certain time.

Kay is wearing his monclear and some black amiris with his Jordan 1s.

"This is your boyfriend robyn." I shake my head no. Looking at her face I realize that it is a bad time to tell her. I want to see what she think of him before I come clean. And we're not official anyways.

When I turn to look at Kay his eyebrows are furrowed and he looks angry almost.

"How old are you boy?." My mom asks. I see him focus on me giving me a look of if he should tell the truth or not. I just look down while he answers.

"I'm 20 , Ms.Woods." I look up at my face seeing a confused look. "You are 20 hanging with a 15 year old?." I hear her raising her voice. "Ma i'm 16." I say in defense.

"Robyn shut up you just turned 15 you are still a little girl". Before I could say anything Kay speaks up.

"I'm a friend of her sisters just stopping by the say happy birthday. I wanted to meet you that's all". She looks between us both.

"Well nice to meet you Kevin, is it?." He nods. "Thank you for stopping by but it's late you should leave." She says opening the door.

"Yes ma'am". He says walking out the door not before giving me a nasty look.

"So is he cool to come over sometimes?". I asked. She turns to me "Absolutely not Robyn, He is grown and your a kid".

"But mama he's just a friend".  She shakes her head. "I said no robyn and if I find out that y'all are being sneaky and disobeying my rules I'm sending you straight to your dads." I open my mouth to rebuttal but she turns to go upstairs.

I honestly feel like crying because Kay is definitely not gonna want anything to do with me after this. We've been spending nearly everyday together now we can't.

The next day I wake up remembering that Sasha had stayed the night

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The next day I wake up remembering that Sasha had stayed the night. She sleeps a little longer than me so I get up going to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I decided to hop in the shower to get ready for the day.

After my shower I start flat ironing my hair while listening to Cblu new song he sent me. While singing I hear my phone ring, looking down I see that it's kay and instantly get butterflies.

"Why you lie to your motha." He says after I pick up. "I just don't think we're ready yet, like we not even official". He looks down at the camera. "What bro?, you my bitch".

"I'm not your bitch." I say rolling my eyes. "Robyn stop playin wimme". "Nigga nobody playin you just never asked me to be your girl".

"See this that kid shit I be talking about." He says back. "Alright then leave it at that." I say hanging up. He really treats me like a little kid and i'm tired of always sucking up to it. We can't be together anyways.

Going back in my room I see Sasha finally woke. She look up at me seeing my expression. "Girl what's wrong with you?". "Nothing." I reply.

She looks at me before continuing. "It's this party in Harlem tonight, you tryna pop out?". She asks. Sasha is a party girl she always wanna be seen but this will be a good opportunity to let loose without thinking about Kay.

"Yeah we can." I say looking through my closet.

A/N: I hope everyone had a good holiday and happy new year

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A/N: I hope everyone had a good holiday and happy new year . Or anything that you celebrate I hope it was good for you. I been having writers block sadly so this chapter might be bad but imma go even harder with writing 2023 so thank y'all for all the support 🤍.


𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔 || Kay flockWhere stories live. Discover now