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We've got home from the airport, and are started to planing a big party for my birthday. I don' really wanna have a big party. You know, i'm more like having a small party with the closest friends, and something like that. But the boys and Amalie was really on to the idea with a biiiiiig b-day party. So i said yes. I don't wanna fight with them, about a party. But, Niall and i are still a couple! God, i'm so lucky to have him. He's the best. He's my boyfriend, my bestfriend. It could'nt be better. And we had actually talked to some media people, and Niall and i are now officialy boyfriends/girlfriends. Weeeee! I have got some hatemessage from some "Directioners" who can't take that Niall is now having a girlfriend. I have'nt really taked it personal, until the day i got a letter from an anonymous. It was a kind of threatening letter. I actually got really scared. The letter said that i'm going to die, on the day i'm happy as never before. It's fraking me out. That person must be a creep. 

Day after day i walked around too scared to do anything. I told it to Niall, and he got really mad and tweeted that the person who sent threatening letters, shuld stop it now, cause erevybody derseves to live their life, and be happy. I'm sp proud of him, that he dare to say his opinion to all his fans. Maybe thats why i always feel me protected when i'm with him. He could protect me from anything. Also a creep. I just love that guy. He's amazing. But, done with all my talking bout my boyfriend, and back to real life. 

Then the day came. Niall and i were celebrating my b-day, i the park, with champagne and NANDOS. In the afternoon we were partying at Louis. Damn, it was fun, until a masked person got in to the house. The person had a gun in his and, and termed at me. All i could do was standing there and yell at Niall, to come and help me. A few seconds after i could feel his arms around me, and then it all turned black.  

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