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zoey   I love our movie nights 💕@ mike, @ courtney, @ heather, @ cody , @ bridgette, @ noah


mike  you have the most beautiful smile that I've ever seen... ❤️

zoey  that's so cute, thanks Mike!!! @ mike

heather  I can't believe these two idiots still not dating

courtney  FR  @ heather

owen  wait a minute

owen  WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY'RE NOT DATING????? @ heather

zoey  we're just friends, Owen ♥️  @ owen

heather  don't worry, big bear, they're not dating YET, but they will

owen  ohhh thanks for the good news, I almost started to freaking out and questioning myself about the my love knowledge @ heather

izzy  you're love knowledge is pretty fine, big O!!!!!! You're like a big big big love detector @ owen

owen  eheheheh thanks izzy 😘 💕  @ izzy

gwen  WHAT THE HELL????

gwen   excuse me?!?!? Why wasn't I invited???? Did I do something??? Am I in trouble?????

courtney  we wanted to! I called you 10 times, you didn't pick up.. @ gwen

gwen  oh shit! I got it know... I had a headache and went bed early, sorry! I promise next time I'm coming.

heather  you better be , gothy @ gwen

cameron  looking beautiful, Zoey!

zoey  thanks, Cam 💕

jo  lame party with lame people

heather  someone's upset for getting no invitation ... don't cry, maybe next time, DUDE! 😘💅🏽 @ jo

jo  funny, Heather! Everybody knows that I'm a girl, so your stupid joke doesn't work on me anymore

lightning  SHA-WHATTT

lightning  my dude is a girl yoo!!!! MY MIND IS BLOWINGG

heather  sorry, what did you just say?  @ jo

jo  fuck you both  @ heather    @ lightning

lightning  HEYYY YO WHAT DID I DO???

heather  nothing, she's just jealous, that's all 💅🏽  @ lightning


bridgette  we have to do our movie nights more! Next time I'm inviting you!

zoey  definitely we'll be there @ bridgette

courtney  if only I'm the one who's choosing the movie

heather  I'm okay with anyone, but just don't let Gwen to choose

gwen  WHATTT??? I'm the movie expert here! @ heather

heather  I'm not going to watch your scary ass movies and have another sleepless week, so hell no I'm letting you choose! @ gwen

gwen  ughh fine, whatever

alejandro  I could come over if you're too scared, mi hermosa  ;)  @ heather

heather  get lost, jerk  @ alejandro

geoff  I'm heart broken, how could anyone have a party without me????

noah  there's a reason why it's called a "private party"  @ geoff

geoff   still seeing no excuse, I only see betrayal   @ geoff

cody  we aren't even friends, dude!  @ geoff

geoff  oh yeahh, I totally forgot.. but still there's no excuse !!!

zoey  I'm still wondering when it's gonna end...

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