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At the party

POV Geoff

The party was crowded af, like Heather asked me I brought everyone I know.

My mission was to keep eyes on her parents, which was the hardest thing I've ever done. Her parents were soo fake and boring that I almost got my soul killed.
It was so annoying, literally I could just go have some fun with the woman I love, but I couldn't, was my sacrifices even worth it?
What was Heather trying to do?

Duncan and Courtney also helped me to deal with her family. I wondered what's going on, so I decided to ask Duncan privately

— yo dude, what's happening? Why are we doing this?  – I asked by making sure no one's hearing us

— I have no idea, I do this cause Courtney asked me to do, she's the only one who knows all, but no way she's gonna let us know  – Duncan said, by her face I could tell he's a little annoyed, but obviously he was proud of his girl.

Courtney just looked at us with her "wtf you're doing, come here and help me" face, so we had to go back to work.

— Are you my daughter's new boyfriend or something?  – Heather's mom asked with suspicious look in her eyes.

— What?! No! Ofc, not! She's just my friend, that's all

— ughhh you're right, who could love someone like her anyways. You know what I mean..

— Actually, no, I don't

— oh come on, stop pretending, everybody knows who she is. She got no qualities to be loved

— Don't ever talk about her like that – suddenly Alejandro came and interrupted lady. Oh God, she better shut up, cause this guy isn't kind at all when he's pissed off

— Aren't you the guy she used for money?

— No, I'm not. I'm the guy who cared about her when her parents didn't give a shit

— Watch your language!

— Kinda funny to hear it from someone who disrespects her own child in front of her friends

— I'm her mom and I can do whatever I want! You're the one don't mean anything to her! Who do you think you are?!

— Idk, but you're definitely the definition of the worst mother of all time

— guys, guys, let's don't start a fight, we're at the party, relax and have some fun! – I tried to calm down them as much as I could

After some time Heather finally showed up and gave us the sign to let them go.

I was relieved that I could finally have some piece, but suddenly she took the microphone and got on stage.

— hello everyone, I'm so happy to see y'all here tonight. This party is a special party, cause it's for my parents who are the best in every way! – omg that one was soo fake that I was literally about to throw up – I hope you all enjoy the party, cause I'm planning to do this night unforgettable. Tonight most of us will get what we deserve. And I'm meaning to start now. Ladies and gentlemen, I want you to listen up my friend, our party monster, Geoff!!! – she pointed at me

Everyone suddenly looked at me and just couldn't understand what's going on.

— come on, Geoff, come here and take the microphone, scene is yours now, get what you deserve! – Heather tried to call me, but my mind was like in another universe

Duncan pushed me to the scene. I began to realize slowly, omg she wanted me to confess my feelings to Bridgette in front of everyone! She's insane!!!

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