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boys gang  groupchat

* geoff left the chat *

* duncan added geoff *

* geoff left the chat *

* duncan added geoff *


duncan  stop leaving then!

geoff  I'm leaving for a reason

dj  guys, let's just talk like normal grown-up people

dj  each of you clearly have some problems

alejandro  since when going on a date is a problem?

geoff  I can't see the moron's text, cause I blocked him and I don't want to be at the same place with him

duncan give him a change to speak first

geoff alright, but just because I used to be friends with him

* geoff unblocked alejandro *

alejandro finally you stopped acting like a dumb child

geoff  stfu before I smash your face, fucking jerk

dj guys!!! stop it!

duncan Alejandro, care to explain what the hell you're doing?

alejandro what makes you that I'm doing it for a reason?

duncan stop it now

duncan  I know you for like years and I know who you are

duncan  your stupid games don't work on me

alejandro  okay, I'll explain

alejandro first of all, I don't care about your novia, Geoff

alejandro  I asked her to go on a date with me, cause I wanted to get information from her

alejandro and I did, she told me everything

alejandro and I posted that stupid pic, cause I wanted to let them know who they are friends with

alejandro  btw Duncan, the man you saw with Courtney is actually going to be her stepfather

alejandro  her mom and dad are getting divorced and her mom fell in love with that man, Courtney decided to get to know him better, but still haven't decided with whom to stay

alejandro  and I was right about Heather, she does have serious problems. She left her family and staying with Courtney

alejandro  she's by her own now...

alejandro  imagine how hard it was for her, I should've known it before, I wasn't there for her, no one was except Courtney

alejandro  if I didn't go that stupid date , I would sit down like a idiot while mi amor goes through this

alejandro  I had no other choice, so excuse me for stealing your novia. You can do whatever you want with her, I don't care, I already did what I had to do

duncan  damn

duncan  I feel so sorry for girls, they deserved better

geoff  couldn't you just ask Heather and Courtney about it?

alejandro  are you dumb, mi amigo? Do you really believe that there are any chance they could explain all to us?

geoff  idk still doesn't feel right to me

geoff  did you and Bridgette do something at that date?

alejandro  again, I'm telling you, I don't care about her and there were nothing except a stupid kiss which meant nothing at all

geoff  I'm too sensitive when it comes to her

geoff  idk if I have any chance...

geoff  Heather promised me to make it up, but now I'm not sure about it, she went really mad to her

alejandro  wait, you talked to Heather???

geoff  yep, we're fine actually

alejandro  did you asked her on a date?

geoff  yes, but she refused, she said she's not gonna go on a date just to make her friend feel jealous

alejandro  lol , I knew it !!

alejandro  ... did she said something about me?

geoff  she said she doesn't care about at all, she said she's just worried for her friend

alejandro  she really said that?

geoff  sorry dude, but yeah... she said you're a handsome jerk and you're obviously playing with Bridgette

alejandro well.. she thinks I'm handsome

geoff  and she thinks you're a jerk and she said she doesn't care about you

alejandro  nahh she's just denying her feelings

geoff  I think you're way more obsessed than I am

alejandro  shut up before I steal your chica again

geoff  oh shit

duncan something tells me you already did something for Heather

alejandro  you know me too well

duncan  spill it up

alejandro  well, I made a call to a friend of mine and asked to give Heather a job

duncan  you whattt ?!??!

alejandro  she will need money soon and I couldn't let her work in disgusting places where she probably would get bothered by some freaks

alejandro so I asked my friend to hire her and keep an eye on her, her safety is important. But I told him that she must not find out that I'm the one who asked him to do it

geoff  but aren't you tricking her by hiding the truth?

alejandro  I'm doing her a favor

alejandro  and besides if she's ever gonna find out, I'm sure she'll appreciate what I did

dj  idk dude, I'm not so sure about it

alejandro  anyways, now I know what I needed to know and I'm gonna take care of mi chica

duncan  thanks for letting me now about Courtney tho

duncan  idk what could happen if I beat up her stepfather back then

duncan  btw any ideas what I can do?

geoff  just talk to her

geoff  make her feel comfortable, confident and make her laugh. Girls appreciate it the most

duncan  idk what to say

geoff  I'm sure you'll find out

duncan  thanks man, but you also need to use your advice

geoff  yeah, but I need to talk to Heather first. She knows what to do better than me

alejandro  ask her about me too

alejandro  she loves talking about me

geoff  yeah right, she loves talking about how much she hates you

alejandro  it's her love language, you wouldn't understand

dj  I have no idea how I ended up here...

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