careful hands

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A/N: I wish I could add chapters under multiple tags because this definitely fits under fluff and smut but I feel like putting it under smut is more appropriate cause you wouldn't really expect something like this in a purely fluff chapter.

notes: Anthony taking care of Five, idiots in love, handjobs, praise, body worship I guess ??? possessive Ant as always, but overall just very soft & loving smut

For the fifth time in the past half hour, Anthony noticed Five roll his shoulder while wincing in pain in the process. He took his focus off of his notepad, placing the pen down as he turned towards his husband, frowning as he noticed his facial expression that only depicted some sort of pain.

Anthony had been writing quietly in the living room of their same apartment, sitting in silence when Five came into the room and practically flopped onto the couch, laying out dramatically with one of his feet resting on his husband's lap, his head twisted in a strange way as he leaned it into a cushion.

He didn't seem to notice the gaze that had fallen onto him moments ago, blinking at the tv playing lowly ahead, bringing a hand to his face and running it down it while he sighed.

"Are you okay?" Anthony asked.

"Hm?" Five hummed as he glanced over. "Oh yeah, just the usual shit," he replied, wiggling his toes that rested on his lap, smiling lazily.

Anthony nodded slightly, "Is your shoulder alright?" he asked, watching as the boy rolled it again and sighed slightly in the process.

"It's just kind of sore," Five replied as he brought his other hand up to touch it lightly. "Not sure why."

"Probably too many hours hunched over the desk writing stuff down?" Anthony asked. "And I don't think your terrible posture would help that in anyway at all," he added, because he had always found the way Five walked and sat to be comical, because he truly didn't know anyone else who had worse posture than his husband.

Five nodded, "Not the best combo."

"I told you to take some more breaks," Anthony shook his head slightly, his free hand moving down and touching the boy's ankle lightly. "And yet...?"

"You're not the boss of me," Five mumbled.

Before Anthony even responded, they caught each others eyes and Five just smiled weakly towards his husband, and he just smiled back at him as they shared a short moment of eye contact before Five broke it off by bringing a hand up to cover his mouth as he yawned, wincing again as he moved his shoulder in a way that caused him pain.

"Okay," Anthony mumbled as he closed his notepad and set it on the table, grabbing the remote and switching of the tv. He stood up and held out his hand towards him, "Come on."

Five only looked up at him, "Where to?"

"I want to take care of you," Anthony replied, his voice soft and gentle. "So come on, bedroom."

He took his hand without hesitation, standing up and following his husband down the short hallway towards the bedroom that they shared. Anthony stopped halfway at the cupboard, opening it and grabbing a couple of towels from it.

"Oh I see," Five raised an eyebrow, squeezing the hand that was in his. "It's going to be messy then?"

"Eh," Anthony shrugged. "Probably not in the way you're imaging it," he kissed his forehead before continuing down the hallway and to their bedroom.

He led Five to their room, not bothering to turn the light on and just allowing the setting sunlight from the window to brighten the room, making it cosy and warm inside of there. Anthony moved all of the clutter on their bed; the scattered pages, books, wrappers and clothes, then pulled of the comforter and left the sheet on its own.

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