Part 3

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It had been about two months since the incident where Law tagged Y/n, after sending a large amount of money to the omegas merchant he agreed to pretend he didn't know who had suddenly taken the omega. Since the arrival of the four omegas the atmosphere had improved greatly, Shachi, Bepo and Penguin seemed to try twice as hard to train and perform their duties to the best of their ability. The whole crew was particularly fond of Y/n, a marked omega was very easy to resist if there was, as was the case, a great loyalty from the other alphas to the omega's mate, so she had eventually become a sort of mother to the crew.

While everyone was enjoying the change Law's struggle became more and more difficult, ever since he had marked her his alpha instinct was pushing him more and more towards his omega. Y/n was understanding and obedient with the rules he gave her to stay in the Polar Tang not once forcing their bond of mates. Even when she went into heat about a month ago she just locked herself in her room, he may have noticed some clothes missing, but that was it, she didn't even try to entice him to help her get through the heat. On one hand, Law was grateful, but on the other this obedient and loyal side she had been demonstrating only made it harder not to let herself succumb to her instincts.

Even with all the restrictions Law put on himself about approaching the omega there was a moment when he allowed himself to get close, after all after marking her he should lick the wound for it to heal properly. Law brings Y/n into his room and sits her between his legs on the bed. He wraps his arms around her waist pulling her to him until her back was pressed firmly against his chest, then he begins to lick the mark he made on her neck while the omega purrs softly. But even now, two months after making the mark, once a week he continued to do so ignoring the fact that the mark was now only a scar.


As dawn broke it was announced that they would arrive at an island later in the morning, resupply was needed and as such the crew did the distribution of tasks.

The Omegas went along with Shachi and Bepo to buy food leaving Bepo and Law to do other shopping that was also needed.

While searching the various stores Law and Penguin had the feeling they were being watched, at one point they decide to turn to a more secluded corner and hear whispers 'Is it him?' 'I don't know, but it looks like what mom told' sending a glance to Penguin they quickly pull the little spies out of their hiding place. Law choked as he looked at the two children, they must have been about 10 to 11 years old, a shy and fearful boy hiding behind his sister, a little girl with ears and a tail, a beast, who seemed ready to defend him. It was as if he was looking at two small copies of Corazon, although certain traits reminded him of that omega he once considered a mother. Did Corazon have children? They were too similar to be just a coincidence. 'Law?' Y/n's voice questioned as she found him in the alley with the rest of the group joining her. 'Law? Like Trafalgar Law? I told you Makoto!' the girl shouts in excitement 'Come on! You have to come with us! Mom will be so happy won't you Makoto?' The boy nods shyly and the girl grabs Law's sleeve starting to drag him through the streets probably towards his house. Law lets himself be led by the girl, he himself wanted to find out what was going on.

As Law and the others enter the children's home the little girl disappears through a doorway to get her mother. 'What's wrong Aiko?' is heard as the little girl reappears with her mother in tow. Aiko flashes a proud smile as she points to Law and her mother's eyes almost pop out. It really was her, Corazon's beast, the omega who was like a mother to him and also the one who abandoned them. Law looks confused 'How?' Hana looks up awkwardly 'I think I owe some explaining' Understanding the hint Y/n acts 'Aiko right?' the girl nods 'Could you show us your garden? It looks very nice'. Looking out the window at the garden Aiko agrees and they both take everyone away leaving Law and Hana alone.

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