Part 1

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Y/n hated that place, but then again, who wouldn't? Like most Omegas Y/n was taken from her family as soon as she began to show signs of such. Her grandparents' refusal to turn her in resulted in the death of both of them leaving her with nowhere to go back to if she managed to escape. Now all she could do was wait, lying on fluffy pillows in a light silk dress, surrounded by cold dark walls, her only escape being the massive iron door through which she would unfortunately only exit when an alpha chose her.

But she was not alone in that dungeon, her cell was inserted in one of the two rows of cells that filled the sides of a huge corridor. Silk might be a luxury to many, but they were mere rags compared to the price of an omega, their sole purpose being to enhance the luxury and delicacy of their products, the omegas.

Y/n was a particularly rare type of omega, a beast, with a wolf's tail and ears its price exceeded that of a normal omega by more than 5 times. This price was fair, although beasts can transform into giant wolves to fight alongside their alpha, but only if the omega loves its alpha. As a rule, beasts belong to strong alphas and the power of their wolf depends directly on the power of their alpha. The stronger the alpha the stronger his wolf.

Y/n had already identified his alpha through his wanted poster. Tragalgar Law, the surgeon of death, a pirate of the worst generation. When she identified him she was extremely happy and so was the head merchant as it was almost a phenomenon for a beast to be rejected and even if it was only for its usefulness on the battlefield for Y/n any place with her alpha would be better than there.

So if she had already identified her alpha why was she still there? Simple, against all odds Law rejected her.

With a heavy heart Y/n spent her days lying around, clutching Law's wanted poster, the only real comfort the traders allowed them, because for omegas like her the poster photo would probably be the only time they would ever see their alpha. Attempts to explain her alpha's rejection and assumptions of what her life with him might be like constantly contested her thoughts. Still she was unable to blame him, she was probably the problem.

Now her fate was to wait in that cell until she was sold to a celestial dragon who possessed a huge tare for omegas and beasts in particular.

So what stops dealers from selling all their omegas to celestial dragons? The simple fact that they could simply decide to take any or even all of them and without paying. With that in mind pirates were not that risky.

But no pirate in the world was stupid or rich enough to pay a fortune for a beast that wasn't his mate and therefore couldn't even turn into a wolf to protect him in battle. So since she had been rejected by her alpha unless such a pirate came along her fate was a celestial dragon.

One day Y/n awoke to the sight of a mysterious man in front of her cell, his gaze focused on the proxy poster she held. The Man read the name on the poster aloud with a scornful tone making Y/n growl and clutching the sheet of paper close to her. 'This is the omega of Trafalgar Law right?' 'Yes sir, a snow white furred beast' 'I'll take it. Get it ready' The worker rushes to do as instructed. Y/n eyes widen, she looks at the alpha gluing her ears to her head she growls harder as he approaches.

The alpha did not please her one bit, for starters she knew from the moment she saw Law's poster that he was the one. The way her knees literally gave way and she fell to the ground when she smelled him...she knew that no other alpha was going to have a similar effect. Even if she was rejected, she just wanted to belong to him. The man looks at her closely and says to himself 'Your beast mate is definitely a great gift for the newest member of the shibukai' Holding her breath and with ears fully erect she looks up at the man who lets out a laugh 'So no more growling then?' Y/n casts a deadly glare at the man 'Take it easy omega I have orders to deliver Trafalgar to you'

Not even 10 minutes pass and a set of workers arrive to handcuff and muzzle her, a move that Y/n considers valid since the last time they handled her she injured more than half of them. Once she is properly cuffed and muzzled she is handed over to the alpha of unknown identity. Being taken from the omegas dungeon to the dock and the alpha's ship.

When the ship is far enough away from the shore the man spoke 'I will take you to Trafalgar Law, I will also release you so I expect you to behave. My men will show you to your room, you can walk around the ship but at the slightest attempt to escape you will be handcuffed, muzzled and locked in the room with surveillance, understood?' nodding she saws her teeth, lowers her head and says 'Law doesn't want me', 'That is no longer my concern, my task is solely to get you to Trafalgar, what happens from there is no longer my concern'.

Y/n goes to his room, no longer tied up, and lies down on the bed, quickly falling asleep. The following days were filled with trying to think what Law's reaction would be to seeing her. Would he be happy to see her? Would he change his mind? Would he send her away? Or would he hug her and accept her?

Y/n remembered clearly when Law had rejected her, she was standing next to a few other omegas from the Heart Pirates crew that she had lived with in nearby cells and had eventually formed a friendship with. The vendor was overjoyed as the sale of a beast was always guaranteed. The ringing of the den den mushi seemed to set Y/n's heartbeat as he waited anxiously to hear the conversation that would dictate his future with the sign next to his heart that was charged with hope and love.

When he finally answered the den muchi the smell of the alpha overcame the strength of his knees causing him to fall. The smell of the alpha was more delicious than she could ever dream of. However, as soon as the salesman uttered the word 'omega' Law's angry voice sounds from the den den mushi 'I don't want any omega' With this he disconnected the call leaving Y/n's heart in pieces and both she and the other omegas were moved to the section of omegas without companions and therefore available to anyone.

Even though months had passed the pain still lived in her heart piercing it like a knife. Looking at the island that began to loom on the horizon, the island where her mate was, she only wishes that her opinion had changed.

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