Chapter 0 Original

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Y/N was a normal kid he went to school and had a good life with his family. Y/N had a single mother who always told him to get a job so he can get ready for college and since he was now 16. Y/N had a older brother B/N that was just two years older than him that his mother was always talking about. Y/N and B/N was two different people B/N has a job that pays him pretty well and was the captain on his varsity soccer team and got good grades for every one of his classes. Unlike Y/N who didn't play any other type of sports and didn't plan on going to college hell he didn't know what he wanted to do with his life after school and he got decent grades for his classes and then there was Y/N little sister S/N who was just like every little kid her age was whiny and gets everything they ask for . So on one day Y/N and some of his friends made a bet on who ever got the worst grade on their history test would have to stay a night at the a old abandoned warehouse down town and Y/N ending up failing the test and got the worst grade out of his friend group. So now he needed to stay a whole night there. When Y/N looked at his phone and it's shows that it's was 11:00 PM he was ready to sneak out of the house, He put on a long gray sleeve shirt with a blue shirt on top of it.

 When  Y/N  looked at his phone and it's shows that it's was  11:00 PM he was ready to sneak out of the house, He put on a long gray sleeve shirt with a blue shirt on top of it

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Y/N put on his sneakers and try his best to not wake up his B/N and S/N. Right when he got to the door the light in the living room turned on. Where do you think you are going Y/N mother say in a anger and tired tone of voice. No where I was just going to throw out the trash Y/N say looking like He just made up the random excuse of his life. So why dress up like your about to go to a party. Uhhhh ... oh ok I admit it I was going to go out to find a job so that you can finally stop being on my neck about getting a job and so I can buy a car since I just turned 16 about a month ago. Y/N mother look disbelief at first but then disbelief turned into excitement. Y/N I'm so happy for you as she started to hug Y/N very tight to the point where Y/N could not breathe. This is your first step to becoming a man and going to college something your father always wanted. Yeah mom I need to be going or else I'm going to miss the job interview as Y/N face was turning red do to the lack of air. Y/N mother let go of him. After you find a job I want you to come back home safely promise me that.Y/N yes mom I promise I will come back with a job and get back safe. Y/N then left and went to down town to the old abandoned warehouse. All Y/N knew about down town is that this where all the yakuza members would be at and devils    Y/N heard about stories about devils and how they kill anyone they see with no hesitation. After Y/N got to the warehouse all he needed to do was to get in and that was easy enough because the door was already open when he got inside he was startled when he saw a group of zombies and the zombie devil hoarded around a boy that look like he was around the same age as him that had dirty blonde hair and a white tank top holding a devil looking to be injured. WE WANTED TO GET STRONGER TO MAKE MORE MONEY SO WE MADE A CONTRACT WITH A DEVIL LIKE YOU DID as a old man in long coat with brown hat told the dying boy as Y/N froze still scared of he made a move or sound that the man and devil would see Y/N. WHAT
WE WANTED WAS A DEVIL'S POWER as the Man with the long coat say and the Zombie Devil replied AND WHAT I WANTED WAS DEVIL HUNTERS' DEATH! as they run to the boy with his devil they started to stab the boy to death as he was trying to run away while    Y/N could not move or try to save the boy as if his body was in shock of seeing someone getting brutally killed and knowing how if he didn't get out of there he would be next. The boy with dirty Blonde hair and his devil was on the ground their limbs were chopped off and the zombie devil proceeded to put all of the boy limbs in a dumpster Y/N than sapped out of his little trance and started to run out of the building when he knock over something and devil and the man turn around to see Y/N. HEY LOOK WE GOT A WITNESS TO THIS SCENE.
Y/N didn't waste any time and sprinted as fast as he could, WE HAVE TO GET RID OF HIM BEFORE HE DOES SOMETHING STUPID the zombie devil and his herd started to chase Y/N. Y/N a made turn and found a hiding spot a under pile of rubbish as soon he got in the zombie devil came and was trying to find him WHERE ARE YOU LITTLE SHIT!! YOU BETTER HAVE NOT BEEN WORKING WITH DEJI OR WE KILL YOU OR YOU CAN JUST JOIN US AND WE LEAVE YOU ALONE. Y/N was just thinking about how he was going to end up dead the same way as that Deji kid I can't believe this is how my life is going to end and I never ended up graduating school I never got a girlfriend or got a job and I failed my promise to my mother that I will come back to her safe and sound. She is going to found out about my death on the news and how that will break her and B/N, S/N heart and out of no where Y/N heard some one Pochita. Y/N knew that wasn't the zombie devil or the man but in fact it was the kid that died by the devil Wait.... How is... I saw that kid ... how is this even possible Y/N say in disbelief .YOU'RE STILL ALIVE AFTER GETTING CUT TO PIECES? GROSS! I REALLY HATE YOU DEVIL HUNTERS! YOU GUYS! EAT HIM UP! Y/N look as he saw the kid standing there again and thought that he was about to get himself killed for second time now but instead the the boy looked like he was ready for a fight. IF YOU'RE GONNA GET IN OUR WAY, THEN FUCK OFF! He then pull on a wire can that on his chest but a bunch of zombies started to jump on the boy. No way he got killed like that again he could have just ran away but he just stood there an... all Y/N could hear was the sound of a chainsaw and than pop out a figure. The boy with dirty blonde hair was no where to be seen and was replaced with a man with a chainsaw for a head and arms Is that another Devil Y/N say to himself .WHY'RE YOU.! THAT SHITTY lITTLE DEVIL TOOK OVER YOUR BODY THEN AREN'T YOU THE SAME AS ME? Wait so that means that devil the kid was holding is now inside of him causing him to be revived. The chainsaw man than started to go on a killing rampage by the time it was all over the chainsaw man just stood there looking at the mess he just made and Y/N couldn't take it anymore and got out of his hiding spot he thought that if the zombie devil was now dead he was now safe but out of no where the chainsaw man saw Y/N and thought he was one of zombie I THOUGHT I GOT RID OF ALL YOU FUCKER BUT I GUESS I WAS WRONG the chainsaw man started to run towards Y/N. WAIT DON't KILL ME IM NOT WORKING WITH THEM PLEASE JUST LET ME GO!!!! But before chainsaw man could got near him they both heard something near the door. Someone beat us to it, The Chainsaw Man and Y/N look as they saw a girl with red hair with one guy on her right and other guy is on her left. Two are still alive hmph... That one is a human as she pointed to Y/N but for you're a strange one you don't smell like a devil or human did you do this as the red hair girl look at the chainsaw man he just fell and say h... hold me she ran up to him and hugged him as the chainsaw melted away as the boy face was reappeared It's a human Could he be taken over by a devil? Y/N say being so confused with the situation. No you can tell take overs by looking at their face. Wait how do you know this?? Y/N say to Women. I know this because I'm an official devil hunter. I came here to kill a zombie devil You've got two choices I can kill you as a devil or you can be my pet as a human and for you she turn to Y/N the same thing goes for you Wait I wasn't a part of this I just got in here at the wrong time I was only here because a bet that I loss. That doesn't matter to me the fact is what you just witnesses there is a possibility you will go and tell everyone about what you just saw in here makes you a big liability so what is?? Fine I do it but only because my life is being threatened "FEED" the boy spoke again ..what's breakfast like? If you pick being my pet I promise I'll feed you well HMMM MM... Salad,Coffee, Toast with butter and jam and... maybe a dessert? The red hair say with her fingers on her chin Sounds like heaven the boy say as for Y/N this was hell
Thank for reading my first fanfic I probably will post the next in couple week and just to let you guys know English is not my native language so if hard to read please correct me on it so I can change so people can have better time reading this and do not own Chainsaw Man and it's characters except for Y/N

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