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I awoke to the blaring sound of my alarm clock, for what had to be the third time today. I reached over to snooze again, but then saw the time.

"Oh- crap!" I whispered, quickly getting out of bed, not bothering to make it. I grabbed a random shirt, and some jeans, and sprinted towards my bathroom. One of my father's "maids" or whatever he calls them, comes into my room every morning and cleans it.

Mr daddy dearest, was rich, and decided he was too good to live a normal life, so he bought this huge house, and bought servants, and chefs, etc.

I didn't bother asking the chefs to cook for me. It really wasn't even that hard to cook. But It was 7:15, and my schools classes started at 7:45. The bad thing, was that I lived a brief 15 minutes from school.

I took a quick shower, and changed into the outfit I had picked earlier.

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      I ran down the stairs and towards the kitchen, when my father stopped me in my tracks

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I ran down the stairs and towards the kitchen, when my father stopped me in my tracks.


"What are you still doing here? You should've left by now." He said coldly, glaring at me and then looking up at my, beautiful might I add, hair.

"Did you even brush your hair? It looks terrible."

      WOAH!! First of all, you never bully the Hair. 2nd off, he disliked everything about me. My hair was just his favorite to judge.

"I was just on my way out.." I replied, grabbing an apple for the road.

"Good.. we wouldn't want you to be late to school, would we?" He said coldly. I grabbed my backpack, and went out to my car. It was a simple Jeep. A sports car just seemed too fancy for some reason.

I drove to school, parked, and walked in. There were a few people who were either still at their lockers, or making out. There were a lot of people who decided it would be better to make out, than get to class on time.

     Of course I never got to class time, but at least I wasn't making out with someone.

     I headed to art class, the only class worth going to. Other than gym of course.

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