Part 1

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Oden's story spoiler from the Wano arc

(This takes place about 30 years earlier, 2 years after Momonosuke was born and when Marco was 15 years old)

Marco the Phoenix has recently joined Whitebeard's pirates as an apprentice. On a party night on the ship he suddenly started a routine surprising everyone by introducing himself as alpha, he introduced himself relatively late which led everyone including himself to think he was a beta.

After the routine was over the crew teased him for his new alpha status to which he replied with a shy smile, he didn't think he was an alpha.

Looking around Marco smiles at Oden's family, Toki and Momonosuke, as an alpha then his mate was also an omega and knowing how they are treated in this world he only wished he could find her as soon as possible.

It was only a moment, a few minutes, Toki went to the bathroom and Oden went to fill his drinking mug while Momo played with a beetle, but when Marco looked again he was gone. Getting up abruptly and calling out to him, the whole crew stops and realizes the boy's absence and immediately begins their search.


Y/n runs at great speed through the forest dodging deftly through the trees, the wind was in her favor omitting what little scent she had.

After everything that happened in the Kingdom of the Gods as a young girl she was forced to run away and live in hiding, but unfortunately a few months ago her luck had run out. Weakened, she was captured by a vulgar band of pirates who captivated by her pair of wings imprisoned her and cut off her wings to sell. A feeling she would never forget, with those cuts they took away all her freedom along with her ability to fly condemning her to live on the ground.

Shortly after they finished mutilating the young girl of only 15 a man entered the cabin and informed them that he had discovered that she was actually a Lunaria and that the government would pay 100million for any information regarding the whereabouts of one. Even damaged she was still one so they decided to let the wounds heal to try and make it look like they hadn't done it, if it was 100million for one piece of information how much would it be for delivering one? They were going to be rich.

When they stopped at this island Y/n didn't think twice and escaped, although she was trapped without wings to fly off the island. Hiding in the top of a tree Y/n watches as the pirates wander off, luckily the Lunarias present themselves late and their scent was not yet strong enough to make chasing them easy.

'Hey boss look what I found' Y/n's eyes widen at the sight of a child 'A child?' asks the Captain 'I thought we could sell him or just use him to do chores' Sighing the Captain orders the man to go put him on the ship. She frowns, there was no way in the world she would let that happen.

Following him through the trees Y/n waits until he is far enough away from the rest of the crew before reaching down and picking up the child throwing the pirate away with a hard kick.


Y/n sighs in relief when they are a good distance away from the pirates. She smiles at the child with watery eyes. 'What's your name?' 'Momo' 'Do you know where your parents are Momo? They are on this island right?' Momo nods 'Then let's go look for them' the boy smiles 'Thank you.'


They had been ambushed again by the pirates, Y/n was still running deftly through the trees, but fatigue was starting to get the best of her.

'Momoooo' They hear in the distance and Momo smiles from her place on Y/n's lap 'Dad!'

They weren't right next door, but they would still be able to catch up with them if they kept at it, but unfortunately Y/n makes a mistake and allows herself to relax for a second. At that moment a huge heat runs through her entire body and a deafening pain makes her fall to the ground. Tears stream down her face, there was no worse time to introduce herself even more so as an omega. Forcing a smile she lightly pushes Momo towards the voices calling him 'Momo, I can't anymore. If you run you can. Go' Hesitantly Momo starts to run and Y/n smiles as she loses sight of him just in time for the pirates to get to her.

The moment the pirates catch up to her the excited smell of the alphas hits her making her want to vomit 'Back off you idiots!' 'B-but Captain! It's an omega!' 'That's why! Do you know what she's worth? A Lunaria omega and unmarked, 100million seems little if you think of the price she must have on the black market.... Nobody touches it! None of you idiots have the willpower to mate with her and not mark her' Everyone sighs in disappointment except Y/n who sighs with a little relief.


'Momo!' Marco shouts when he sees the child emerge from among the bushes. Momo runs and throws himself at Oden crying wildly. Seeing that he has no wounds the whole crew smiles 'Let's go back'

Momo's eyes widen going into despair 'N-no!' Everyone looks shocked 'How not Momo?' 'They took me! And-and then she saved me b-but they took her!' 'She?' Momo nods and Oden sniffs Momo realizing the scent on him 'An omega' Oden laughs 'I don't think we can leave the one who saved my son behind, much less fail to teach a lesson to the one who messed with Whitebeard's pirates' Everyone laughs and agrees with Oden.


The pirates were quick to carry Y/n back to the ship, one of them had seen the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates and as such wanted to get off the island as quickly as possible.

Y/n cries, that damn rut hurt horrors and all those disgusting smells around him were only making everything hurt more. A loud bang from the top side of the ship brings her temporarily out of her daze. What was going on?


Those pirates were certainly cowards in the face of Whitebeard's name, knocking out a few more of them Marco makes his way to the hold in search of the omega that saved Momo. As soon as he opens the door he is overcome by a tremendously delicious smell that makes his entire alpha purr, rushing towards the smell he finds an omega with tan skin and white hair.

Marco breaks the bars with a strength he didn't know he had immediately taking the omega in his arms. Relaxing as he feels her purr against his chest he rushes back out of the basement shouting that he had found her.


She didn't know what it was, her mind was too foggy to clearly register anything, but shortly after that bang she was caught and enveloped in a comforting warmth and delicious smell. She couldn't stop herself from relaxing and snuggling further into the source of the warmth and smell that seemed to do wonders to soothe her pain.


When they finally return to the ship some betas try to remove Y/n from Marco, but are stopped by a loud growl from the younger alpha who pulls away pressing the omega more into his chest.

'Come on Marco she has to go to the infirmary' Izou argues, but it only seems to serve to intensify the alpha's growl.

Marco eventually failed to yield Y/n and had to be held so that she could be taken away, two or three ended up flying as they removed her from Marco's arms and she emitted a loud whine at the loss of contact causing him to struggle even more to retrieve the omega.

Some time after Y/n has been taken to the infirmary and her scent has started to fade Marco seems to calm down 'It's normal, the alpha instincts are still new to you and this is the first unmarked omega you've seen, even more so in heat it's hard to have control' Justified his companions.

Marco sighs, a huge headache seems to arise from all his struggle. He had really lost control with that omega, but according to the others they couldn't be mates since they were of different species, she was a Lunaria and he human. Even knowing this he couldn't ignore the way his inner alpha longed for her and protested that she was his.

Different Species [Alpha Marco x omega reader]Where stories live. Discover now