Part 3 - final

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Wano arc story spoiler


Almost 7 years after they met, Marco was now commander of the first division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Y/n also had the chance to be commander of her own division but she decided to stay in Marco's.

That night á years ago was 'forgotten' and they both went back to what they were trying to ignore the feelings they both had to the fullest. Throughout those years Marco's mate never showed up, let alone Y/n's.

Currently Y/n and Marco were on a mission, they had intercepted a message about a Lunaria that was trapped on that island before being handed over to the government and went after it. Unfortunately it seemed that it was all just a trap by the Beast Pirates, King and Queen ambushed the duo and to make matters worse Y/n couldn't concentrate as he could swear that King's scent was familiar to him.

In a moment of distraction Marco is pinned to the ground by Queen leaving Y/n and King face to face, she was ready for an attack but is surprised when all he does is remove his mask and smile at her


Y/n asks in shock. Was that him? It looked like him.
"I'm glad to see that even after all these years you haven't forgotten me."

Y/n is still paralysed in shock unable to register that her childhood friend was there alive. However King seizes the opportunity and with one swift movement he lowers himself to Y/n's height and kisses her. At that moment something runs through Y/n's body and she opens her eyes as she feels wings sprout from her back.

Marco looks at the whole scene with horror, he remembers Y/n telling him about this, the healing properties of the first kiss between fellow Lunarians. Oh the poor alpha's heart couldn't accept that everyone was really right, that he and Y/n because they are of different species are not mates. He couldn't accept it, not when his whole being was filled with anger and screaming for him to rip that alpha out of his omega. And at the same time a feeling of defeat and sadness filled him, it would be selfish for him to do that now that she had finally found her mate. She was his omega, the one he loved but she didn't belong to him, not anymore.

Y/n seems to finally recover from the shock and pushes King away pushing him away as he looks in shock at his wings testing to move them. King has a beaming smile and soon starts talking about how they are mates throwing up confessions and promises, he was too caught up in his speech to see the way Y/n's eyes glittered dangerously.

When King finally notices his silence he holds out his hand but Y/n slaps it away and spits on the floor in disgust before speaking.

"Who did this shit?"

She asks as Queen shouts indignantly.


"It was you wasn't it?"

Y/n looks angrily at Queen who looks away overcommitted, indignant and proud at what her invention had done.

" S/n, babe"

Albert calls out but Y/n quickly shoves a punch into his face sending the unprepared alpha away. Using the opportunity of a very shocked Queen she picks up Marco and quickly flies away.

"That insolent girl! When I catch her she'll see the shit!"

Queen shouts angrily but King interrupts him wiping the blood from his nose

"It's not worth it"


King sighs touching his nose lightly.

"She's always been faster than me at flying. We won't be able to catch her, the plan has failed"

King sighs as Queen continues to babble on about how genius her inventions are. Kaido was not going to be pleased.


As they fly away Marco watches Y/n's tears fall. Why was she doing this? She was abandoning her mate! Spotting her boat Y/n poses with Marco at the galley and Marco orders the rest of the crew to return to her father.

Watching her cry Marco's chest contorts in pain

" Y/n, he was your mate because-"


She shouts causing Marco to flinch before sitting down on the ground.

" Queen probably did something to activate my healing factor, Albert is not my mate"

Marco sighs sitting down next to her.

"Just because he's from an enemy crew you can't deny he's your mate"

"It's not like that at all! I simply know he's not my mate!"

"The healing factor has been activated. How are you so sure?"

"Because how can he be my mate if kissing him for the first time with healing factor doesn't even come close to the feeling of simply being near you?"

Marco's eyes widen, he wasn't expecting this. Could it be? It had been so long since he had met her, so long since he had fallen in love with her and so long since he had guarded his feelings. Maybe just this once 'shit' he wanted to be selfish, he wanted to see, he wanted to know what happens, to know how it feels if he just kisses her.

Holding Y/n's face with his hands Marco eagerly places his lips on hers. It is at that moment that they can both finally feel, that feeling and the love they both shared, their mates were never somewhere in the world they were all the time right under their noses. Marco pulls Y/n into his lap deepening the kiss before they have to pull away for breath.

Looking at her now Marco doesn't know how he ever doubted that his mate could be anyone other than her.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2022 ⏰

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