Part 2

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Oden's story spoiler from the Wano arc

I realised I made a mistake in the age count in the previous chapter, actually when Marco was 15 Oden had just joined the crew, two years later when he's 17 Momonosuke is born and when Momo turns two they leave Whitebeard's pirates. I will continue with the mistake of the previous chapter but it was just for your knowledge.


For Y/n that first rut was hell on earth, after that comforting smell leaving everything seemed to get ten times worse. Throughout the rut all she could do was crave the alpha who possessed such a scent.

When her rut finally ended she was greeted enthusiastically by members of Whitebeard's pirates and eventually joined the crew. Y/n was a skilled fighter in both hand-to-hand and long-range combat, fast and agile using two knives that she could throw with aim.

None of Whitebeard's Pirates mentioned the incident between Y/n and Marco again out of respect as most of them know how hard it is to learn to resist the alpha instinct.

Ever since Y/n had joined the crew Marco had been the alpha that had caught her attention, she didn't know how to explain it but she felt herself constantly pulled towards the alpha. The crew had told her that it was Marco who had carried her to the ship even though the omega could tell by the smell alone but it made her wonder. Why did his scent affect her so much? Was it because it was her first heat? Regardless of whether or not that could have influenced it Y/n loved everything about Marco, being around him just felt right.

Over those years that had passed they had both always been very close but one night in specific completely changed the intensity of their relationship.


For months Y/n has been fighting the pain, trying to distract herself, training, learning to read, cooking...but on nights like that the reality of being pinned to the ground kept the tears flowing as she tried futilely to fall asleep. She didn't want anyone from the crew to see her like this.

When Marco was about to go up to the galley to take his watch he was told there was no need as Y/n was already taking his shift. He thought it was odd and the alpha's instinct begged him to go up and check what was in fact going on with his omega. He bites his tongue scolding himself for internally calling her 'his' again.

Good thing the alpha went up because when he got to the top he saw Y/n curled up in a ball crying. Probably the same instinct that made him call her his own earlier makes him act automatically in response to the omega's state. He sat beside her pulling her into his arms, purring and releasing comfort hormones to calm her down.

All Y/n can do is cling to Marco as she cries, the alpha is patient whispering words of comfort in her ear. Slowly her crying subsides and Marco takes a deep breath before asking what made her like this.

Was it worth lying? It was Marco, she hated the idea of lying to him. So Y/n tells him everything she has been going through, how hard it is, hard not being able to fly, being stuck to the ground and how all she wishes most is to be free again and be able to fly through the sea.

Marco's heart squeezes seeing his omega like this perhaps because more than anyone he understands the feeling, he knows what it is like to be free and to be able to fly and how he would never be able to live without it again. The pain she is feeling is unimaginable but still he is the one who can understand her best.

"Then let's fly"

Y/n wipes away the remnants of tears and looks at Marco uncomprehendingly


"I'll take you"

Marco extends his hand which the omega grabs still hesitant but when he does Marco jumps transforming into the Phoenix. Y/n closes her eyes but when she opens them again the sight is incredible. Again she was flying, the wind, the stars, the clouds and the ground she had finally walked away from. All this while being enveloped in beautiful blue flames that chased away any cold she might feel tenderly warming her heart. Yet while the pain of not being able to fly was eased a new pain seemed to arise with the beautiful flames. Was it right to fall in love with someone who didn't belong to you?

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