Part 1: Rebecca Patricia Armstrong

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Becky's P.O.V

Another day, another innocent person to defend.

"All rise." The bailiff started. Everyone stood up except for the judge.

"Department One of the Superior Court is now in session." The bailiff continued.

"Judge Morgan presiding. Please be seated.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen." The judge greeted everyone.

"Calling the case of the People of the State of California versus Mr. Bryan Lee. Are both sides ready?"

"Ready for the People, Your Honour." The District Attorney replied.

"Ready for the defense, Your Honour." I replied with a slight smile.

I stood up with full confidence as soon as it was my turn to speak. "Your Honor and ladies and gentlemen of the jury: under the law my client is presumed innocent until proven guilty." I started.

"During this trial, you will hear no real evidence against my client. You will come to know the truth: that Mr. Lee was just riding in a car stolen by someone else. After finding out that the car was stolen, Mr. Lee was just trying to do the right thing by returning the car to its owner. Therefore my client is not guilty." I continued.

I've won a lot of cases already. I know that I can win this too.

I looked around and noticed everyone paying their full attention.

The trial started. The district attorney presented evidences and witnesses.

Being an attorney is both an honor and a responsibility. When I was still in law school, I promised myself that I will be an exceptional lawyer.

I will defend those less fortunate who can't even defend themselves.

I can't lose now. Never.

"Your Honor, ladies and gentlemen of the jury: Mr. Lee was unlucky to get into a car with a man who had stolen that car. [He got into the car because he had never been in a Corvette before." I took a glance towards Mr. Lee. He was so nervous.

"My client's fingerprints were found on the keys because he had to touch them when the officer pulled the car over. But the prosecution's own expert told you that other fingerprints were found on those keys that could not be identified. I suggest to you that they belong to the real thief: Rick. Mr. Lee is an honest person and was only trying to return the car to its owner."

"If he had meant to keep the car, why would he drive it back to Martinez? Remember that under the law my client is presumed to be innocent. The prosecution must prove every part
of its case beyond a reasonable doubt – that means that you must be very sure. One of the things they must prove is that my client intended to keep the car from the owner. My client is the only person who knows what he intended, and testified under oath that he wasn't trying to keep the car from the owner, but was trying to return it."

The prosecution has presented no real evidence to you to show that this is not true. That means that there is a reasonable doubt and, therefore, you must find him not guilty."

We waited for for all the jurors decision.

"Will the jury foreperson stand? Has the jury reached a unanimous verdict?" The judge asked.

"Yes." The foreperson replied.

This is it. The moment of truth.

"The jury finds the defendant NOT GUILTY." The clerk announced.

Everyone clapped including Mr. Lee. Tears were visible in his eyes.

"Thank you, Ms. Armstrong." He said while wiping his tears.

"My honor." I replied with a proud smile.

I know that I am putting my life in danger, but I don't care. This is where my heart belongs.

- Atty. Rebecca Patricia Armstrong

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