Am I dying?

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My eyes open slowly. I rise from my bed and blink a bit. My neck is sore. I move my legs to the side of my bed, as i get ready to step down onto the cold, hard floor. As i look down, i see that the floor is covered with spiders. They crawl over each other and seem to have no apparent destination. How odd. I cringe at the sight of them. What do i do now. I don't want to be here anyways, might as well be death from venom. I place my foot on the floor, but oddly enough, the spiders clear path for me. I stand fully on the floor, and they all seem to know not to bite me. I try walking normally around my room, yet they make room with every step i take. I'm unable to step on them, nor are they willing to bite me. How interesting. I slowly make way to my closet, and search for my clothes. As i grab my pants, shirt, and hoodie, i place them on my bed. I turn to see almost a pile of spiders. They seem to be climbing on top of each other to make what looks like a figure. I watch in amazement as they build up, making almost a hand shape. The pile moves towards the window and opens it. A fresh breeze blows the hair out of my face. The pile disperses and exits through the window, leaving me, and a singular spider left on my bed alone. They seem to be in favor of me. Why? I must admit, it's interesting, but what will other think of this?
What would Wednesday think of this?
I throw my clothes on and rush through the door. I sprint to Wednesdays dorm, and knock frantically."Wednesday. Open up please. Even if you don't just let me know you're okay. Please." I say, through the crack of the door. No answer. My heart drops to my legs, it feels, as i turn to walk away. The door suddenly opens.
"What the hell do you want." The pigtailed girl asks, irritation in her voice. I feel my breath come back to me, as my heart returns to its place in my chest. "Oh thank god." "No, thank me. I got principal weems to take us back, while you were passed out." She says. Yikes. "Can i come in?" I ask. She rolls her eyes before stepping aside. As i walk in, i see enid, passed out on her bed. "Long night?" I ask. "You would know." She responds. "Right...." I say, looking at her side of the room. It's a very bland taste she has. Very colorless. I scratch the back of my neck as Wednesday sits at her desk, going back to typing. I sit next to her and watch her type for a minute. Her bony fingers look as if they have minds of their own, coordinating with each other, pressing each key. "Listen..." I start to say. She stops typing and looks at me. "I didn't mean to interrupt your writing.." "You didn't. I just woke up." The girl explains. I smile a little. "And you know... I was just worried about you, i didn't know what happened.." I continue. "You're okay. I really couldn't care less. Nice of you to check on me though. God knows no one else would've." She says. I look up at her. She's now fully turned to me, her emotionless face still there. "You should get back to sleep, you know. I've arranged a meeting with Ms Weems and the Sheriff at 7. I'll need you there." She says. "It's still pretty early. I don't want you sleeping in class." She continues. "I think i'd rather just stay here and talk to you." I say, with a smile. The corners of her mouth slightly curve. "Well, i'm gonna continue writing. Silence is appreciated." She says, turning back to her typewriter. I lay back on her bed, staring at the ceiling. Im glad i have Wednesday in my life, she's a good friend. It's hard to find a good friend nowadays. Im just glad it's her and not enid. She's too colorful.
Speak of the devil.
"SHUT UP." Me and Wednesday say in unison.


I hang upside from the ceiling by a support beam as Wednesday and Enid get ready for the day. I'm reading one of Wednesday's books. Frankenstein. It's classic. One of the first books i was really interested in. It got me into stuff of the supernatural. I always dreamed of being a scientist and making my own Frankenstein one day. Being able to teach it things and show it stuff i liked. Make an exact copy of myself. Because god knows, the only person that will stay with me is myself.
I catch a glimpse of Wednesday staring at me, as my hair hangs down. I pretend to not see it, as i don't really feel like being strangled for calling her out.
"Quit staring at him and tell me if this outfit is okay." Enid says, out of nowhere.
"I'm not staring. You're side of the room makes me blind." Wednesday says, annoyance in her voice. She turns around and says something to thing.
"So that's a no on the outfit?" Enid asks.
"You look fine enid." I say, just trying to get her to be quiet.
"Thank you Y/N. At least someone knows how to be nice." She says, gesturing towards Wednesday. I smile. "You're lucky i haven't suffocated you yet." Wednesday says, taking Enids smile away.
I drop down infront of Wednesday, catching her by surprise. "Finished. Pretty good book. Any other ones?" I ask, handing her the book. "I-i.. uh. Yeah... Hold on." She spits out. She looks a bit redder than usual. Hope she's okay. I shrug and walk towards Enid, starting conversation with her.

Wednesday's Pov

I've never stuttered before in my entire life. What is wrong with me. I feel my face getting hot. Am i dying? I imagined it better than this. My hand caresses the book Y/N gave to me. I place it on my desk and sit down for a second. What is this feeling? I feel anxious almost. I look over at Y/N and Enid. They sit on her bed, talking, as Enid scrolls through her phone. Y/N was the only person that asked me if i was okay. I've never been asked that before. I've always had to stick to myself. It's been that way for as long as i remember. It was nice to have someone care about me. He seemed worried, even. I'm glad i have him in my life. He's a good person. I'll need to keep him close, just in case. Enids hand lands on
Y/N's leg. I feel my lungs almost lose the air kept inside. Why do i feel this way? He laughs with her as they both move closer. If i had a heart, it would be in my stomach by now. I can't take this anymore.
They stop laughing and look at me.
He gets up and stands by the door.
"Where we headed?" he asks.
"We have a meeting to attend to."

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