Dream boy

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"I miss you." Francisco said.
"I miss you too."

As our mouth crash in the middle of the school hallway, everyone are looking at us but we couldn't care less. He twirls his tongue with mine, my arms wrapped around his neck and his arms around my waist. I could feel his heartbeat and it makes me feel more alive.

I open my eyes.

And it was all  just a dream.

I woke up thinking what the hell was i dreaming about? It's absolutely my worst nightmare.

The other girls are still asleep. I must say, Taylor's bed is so comfortable. Maybe i should go sleep again.

But i couldn't.

His jerk face keeps on popping in my head everytime i close my eyes. I don't really know why i 'despise' him, maybe it's because he's too promiscuous and that bothers me.
"Promiscuous boy. You already know. That i'm all yours, what you waiting for?"



That time of the week when you wake up and you feel like you hate everything.
The alarm woke me up and all i wanna do is go back to sleep.

Why does school exist???

I got ready for almost an hour before heading downstairs to have my breakfast. It's bacon sandwich this morning, my favorite. However, Cara is in an all carbs diet so she only ate a slice of wheat bread and some butter. BUT BUTTER IS A CARB.

Seriously, I know a bread smarter than her.

Later on it's that time again when me and Cara steps out from the car in front of the school gate. Continued by everyone cheering her and looking at her, and i was invisible. Anyway, my first period is biology. BORING. I sit at the back of the class with Tay next to me. We started chatting about the movie Cruel Intensions because we both really loved that movie. Soon the teacher comes in and asked us to follow him to the science lab.

Oh no. Don't tell me we're going to examine ANOTHER frog.

We all get there and the teacher has assigned all our seats with names on the tables. I searched for my name and when i found it, it's next to Francisco's name. I guess we're gong to be lab partners. Francisco came and sit next to me with a big smirk on his face. I look at him without saying a word. I get this nervous feeling, which i'm not sure why i have that in the first place. He looks disturbingly charming and he smells breathtaking. Isn't that the scent of Calvin Klein perfume?

"So, next to you is your lab partner for the entire school year." The teacher explained.

WHAT?!?!! I can't be partners with him for the rest of the school year!!!!

"I think you're making a big mistake by making this dude my lab partner." I said. The teacher looked at me. "And why is that Ms. Maxwell?"


I couldn't even say one reason. Then the teacher carry on by asking us to check on the instruction paper for our experiment.

"Relax. I will be the best mistake that'll ever happen to you." He said while smirking at me.
"Ew get over yourself."
"So. Maybe we can get to know each other more." He put his hand on the table and i thought he was reaching to my hand. Sweaty palms on cue. Turns out, he's taking the instruction paper.

"I would rather die. If this was a Twilight movie, i would do that scene when Edward just storm out from the science lab because of how disturbing his lab partner is."

He smiled at me with those perfect teeth.

"Are you saying, that you are so distracted by me and that i smell so great that you have to storm out? Because you are..... Drooling over me like Edward is drooling over Bella?"

I am completely speechless. By his charm, and by the fact that he watched Twilight.
"No because i can't stand your..... Smell. What perfume is that? Did you buy that from the pet shop or something?" I said obnoxiously. When i'm nervous i tend to say some harsh words to people. Even when i love his perfume scent.
"Whatever you say babydoll."

Ew. Wait, did he really just called me that? Aww.
I mean Ew.

5 minutes has passed and it's time for us to start with our experiment. So we need to check which blue liquid is more acidic. During the experiment we both had interactions, but it all was just about pH and distilled water. I thought he would flirt with me all period. Is it because, that he thinks, that i'm..... Ugly?!

Finally it is lunch break. I ran the the cafeteria while i'm dragging Taylor with me. We ran as fast as we could (we are that hungry) and check if Ash is already there. Luckily she is, as always she is the fastest one to go to the cafeteria so she could reserve our "favorite" spot. Right on the corner near the window. Where no one could hear our gossips and we could observe everyone. Our spot is farrrrr farrrrrr away from those sweaty jocks ane lousy cheerleaders.

"So. What's the latest 411?" Ashley said.
"Am i ugly?" I asked and their face instantly goes frantic.
"Of course not! You're one of the prettiest girl i have ever seen." Taylor said.
"I know right. You have gorgeous blue eyes, beautiful hair too. If i were a lesbian i would date you." Ashley said.
"Awww thanks guys! But Francisco...... He...... Didn't flirt with me, and i thought it was because that i'm ugly."

Taylor and Ashley opened their mouth so big and look at each other. Oh and by the way, i look so lazy today, while both of them looks fabulous in pink and all their make up are done. I think i might be the DUFF of the group. Designated ugly fat friend or something.

"Wait hold up girl. Why do you want him to be flirting with you?" Ashley raised her eyebrows and looks so excited.
"NOOOOOO don't even think about it Ash. It's just because that he always flirts with alllll the girls, and we were partners earlier right Tay? And then he didn't, ONCE say something gross to me, or even flirt with me. That's why i felt a little bit insecure. But i do not like him at all. Trust me." I explained as both Tay and Ash look less excited.
"Aww don't let yourself feel insecure because of just some guy. Trust me, you are beautiful." Taylor said.

Then we did a group hug and we go to get our food and then go back to our table and start eating our pizza for lunch!!!!!!

So next period is..... Spanish class. The teacher looks a lot like Kim kardashian.
But my Spanish teacher is a guy. So. Yeah.


After long hours of school. It is finally time to go home. And when i arrived home i ran to my bedroom and I always loved feeling relax. Now it's time to moan.

Over ice cream.

I have my blanket, my ice cream, and my favorite reality show called Keeping up with the kardashians. I am slightly obsessed with the jenners and the kardashians. I wish that i have a great relationship with my sister like Kendall and Kylie, but Cara is a slut and she would never change. So i guess whatever.

While watching the show i hear a loud bang coming from my sister's room. I felt worried so i ran to her room. I open the door and all i can see is my sister making out or as i can say, snogging with some dude while she is pressing his body to the wall. That seems kinda familiar from his hairstyle. And his outfit. And.....


Could it be?

No way.

Cara still hasn't realize that i'm watching her making out, and as she pushes the guy to the bed, i realized that he's Francisco f*cking Parker.


How? Why? What? Why are they making out? What did i miss? Did my sister drag him from next door and bring him to our house? What is happening. My eyes got teary because the making out session looks so exhausting so i go back to my room.

I mean, are they making out because they're secretly dating?

I will find out.

High School (Teen Fiction of Barbara Palvin and Francisco Lachowski)Where stories live. Discover now