The new student

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~??? POV~

I was the school bathroom. I hear a shoot followed by screams and calls for help...
More shoots...then silence...
I slowly came out the bathroom...I saw dead bodys everywhere...tears started falling down my face...I ran as fast as I could to the exit of the school...every hallway was filled with dead body's.

I woke up,I sat on bed,some tears started falling down...cmon Ink...that was only a dream,u moved here to start a new life.

I took the phone and checked the hours...OMG ITS 7.57 IM SO LATE.

I immediately stood up,changed my cloths,then took my backpack.

Where was I going again?

I took my vials and put them in the backpack,then I started running to school.

I'm so happy!I'll finally meet Dream and Blue after so many years!Sadly they are a grade lower,that means we aren't in the same class. STOP THINKING UR LATE INK!

~ERROR'S POV~ this school again,it's so annoying!

I walked in the class and sat at my desk;I worked hard to keep the desk attached to mine empty,I don't like people.

-minutes later-

"Alright ---- read this-"the teacher got I terrupted by a unknown guy that entered the class.

" are late to class. I'll let you go because is your first day."

So that guy's name is Ink,he looks like a loser.

"Alright class,welcome your new classmate,Ink. He moved here from another city,treat him well. You can sit near Error."


The guy walked to me and sat near me.

"Hello there!I'm Ink,what's your name?" he said landing me his hand.

"I've got haphephobia I'm not touching you weirdo."

After saying that he looked kinda sad.

"The name is error" I said after putting my head on my arms that were on my desk.

- after lesson-


I walked in the cafeteria and started looking for my friends.

Not finding them I sat on an empty table and took my vials out.

I drank them fast and putted them away.

I took my sketchbook out and started drawing.

Somebody,from behind hugged me and almost choked me.

"INK!YOU ARE FINALLY HERE!"said the sweet blueberry.

"Hi ink!" Said dream ,then he started hugging me too.

"Guy's! I've missed you so much."

Fading Memories..(Errorink)Where stories live. Discover now