Skipping school

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We are all sitting there,at the GIANT TABLE of the bad sanses mansion.

"Any plans about today?" Asks Dust.

"maybe...GO TO SLEEP BECAUSE IT'S 4 IN THE MORNING?!"shouts Horror.

"Maybe we can get ready for school." Says Dream.

"Dreeeaaam you are so boooring." I say.

"Maybe we can play tag again?"Says Blue.

"But this time WE will haunt."Says Nightmare.

He snaps his fingers,nothing happens.


"Just know that if you survive for one hour you win,the bell will ring" says Cross.

"Alright,you are not gonna see us for this hour!" Then we disappear in a puddle of ink.


"Killer with me?"asks nightmare.

"Sorry boss,but this is a work for the murder trio"I say nodding at my partners in crime.

And we get going to the first floor.

We enter the library.


"We aren't going to survive by just hiding,what if we eliminate them before they catch us?" I say.

"Yes but we don't split up this time,we are stronger together." Ink says.

We hear a door opening so we hide behind a book wall of the library.

It's Dust,killer and Horror.

"Let's make them split up."whispers Dream.

We go to our positions,I throw a glass jar to the most far zone of the library from the door.

"There you are~."says Dust while his eye start glowing purple.

"Let's get'em." Horror takes his axe and then killer his knifes.

I stay there,near the jar,leaned to the wall.

"Oh Blue,I think you lost."he says getting near.

"I don't think so." I say.

Dream closes the door."just for make sure u don't run away."

He then takes his Bow,I take my sword.

I point it at Dust's neck.

"If I surround there u won't get humiliated."I say.

"Never." -Horror.

The fight starts,I throw a rain of bones to them for distract them from Dream paralysing arrows.

He paralyse Dust,Horror jumps on me and makes me fall.

"I got you."

"Dont think so."I respond.

Then kick his stomach making him smash to the wall,then I block him there with my blue bones.

"Where is your leader?" Killer asks.

"Right here." Says Ink above him.

I'm not gonna ask how he got there or how he is there.

He jumps on him,hitting him with Broomie and getting him KO.

"Alright let's tie them up and lock the library door." He then says.

Out of the library we decide to split up.

I decide to go to the living room.

I see a Cross that fell asleep on the couch.

The vent is open.

I have a plan.

I silently go to him and I tie a rope on his feets.

I go into the vent and abruptly drag Cross into the trapdoor.

"HEY WHAT THE HELL?!"he screams.

I immediately I stick him there with the tape.

"Well we have a half hour before getting out of here,wanna talk?"I giggle.


"OH HEYA ERROR,WANNA CHAT?"I scream at Error making him crash.

Was it this easy? Oh I need to tie him before he wakes up!

I turn around for take a rope and when I turn back I see Error awake.

"I got you." He picks me with his strings."now we can chat."


"oh darling!I know u are here dear Ink!"I say loud.

"Oh noot noot you know me too well,how is it going octopus?"HIS NICKNAMES PISS ME OFF.

"Come out so we can play squid."I say.


"Cmoooon Innnnnk, Nightmare wants to give u a hug, a painfull hug."


I look up and see him falling on me.

-5 minutes l but myater -


"Just about 15 minutes and I can." He says.

The bell rings.

Ink stands up,we go downstairs.

"Oh Dream,you got captured?"says Nightmare laughing.

"And I got trapped by Ink's ass?"he responds.

"And your 3 members are trapped in the library." Ink says.

"What about Cross?"I ask.

Blue comes out of the vent."he is trapped up there."

"I hate to admit it but I guys are strong." Says Error before Ink jumping on him.

"Are u two a couple yet?" Dream Asks.

"Not officially." Ink says.

"We can be if I want." Says Error blushing.

"Now we are." Says Ink kissing him.

After another of talking, laughing,joking and having fun we went back to our houses.

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