The hospital

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"W-what...?"I say,then tears start falling down my face.

"I said who are u guys...I don't think I know U..."

"yea...I wanted to advice u guys...."says the doctor"well...I found out that Ink has lost his memory,do U perhaps know if this happen often?"

"Well,usually Ink forgets things really often,like names and other things,one day he even forgot his own name.."responded Dream"he even spaces out a lot."

"Do not worry,i don't think this will be permanent,but for help the process of remembering U might as well help."replied the doctor.

Dream started hugging me ,and i hugged him too.

My brother doesn't remember me....

Looks like reaper left...and Geno too..
... Blue is hugging Ink crying...

.. Ink,even if doesn't remember anything,tryes to comfort him...

...and Error...looks like he is about to crash...

..Welp I called it...

...Error crashed...

- time skip,the next day-


It's been a day since when I woke up in a hospital,with no memories of my past and of the people around me...I kinda feel bad for them,they must have been close people to me if they were here only for see me...

I look around,all I see is an empty white's kinda scary...I don't like this room...

...I just want to leave here and see what my life is like ..

I can't stand another day locked up in this hell..

I can't even stand up cause of this machines attached to my arms,legs,bones...

I look around me...a notebook?

I take it and open the person who drew this is very talented..

I close for see the name wrote on it
'ink'...that is what the doctors call me...even this people of yesterday called me that my name?did I drew this?

I wanna try. I take a pencil and open once again the sketchbook to an empty page.

My hand start leading the pencil,that dances on the paper slowly.
I don't even know what I was drawing,I just let my hearth draw what it feels.

Strange...I can't feel anything...

I look at my paper again and realize the drawing is finished.

I made a drawing of the people that were here yesterday.

It's amazing,if I have to be honest.

I put the notebook away and try to find something else to do.

I find a paper with informations about me.


RESIDENCE:downcity,4th Street.
SCHOOL:monster&Humans high-school
GUARDIANS:Reaper and Cross (his brother's)
STATE:poisoned not in critic conditions...memory loss.

Doctor. Swedin


Souless..?That explains a lot.

Near the sketchbook there is a box with paint in it.

There is a letter for me.

Dear Ink,
U know U won't remember me but I needed to give u those,if U didn't already find out,you are souless.
That means U don't have emotions,but,a thing that helps U have them are those.
Each color is a emotion,I have the list:

With love,
Your brother Cross

I think I'll start drinking them then.

I take the bottles and start drinking s little of every of them.

Wow now i feel a lot better!

I hear a knock at the door.

"U can come in."I say,then a doctor came from the door.

"Hi Ink,how do U feel?"he ask.

"I feel pretty well,I drank my vials and now i can feel."I respond.

"Good,good,now we have to run a few of tests for see if we can release you ok?"

"It's fine for me."

Fading Memories..(Errorink)Where stories live. Discover now