Maybe you are fine

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Lesson is over and I get going to the cafeteria when I see Ink sitting alone.

He takes something out of his that paint?!Does he really drink paint?!

I see two people running at him and hugging him,is that nightmare's brother?

I see the two skeletons leaving the room for get food so I decide to welcome ink.


Dream and Blue leave for take their food.

I continue drawing on my sketchbook.

"Isn't this the new guy?"says a voice getting closer.

"Eh?Oh hi uhm- what was the name...-" I say,then I look under my scarf trying to find his name.

In this year's I started forgetting things more often so I decided to write important things on my scarf.

"Oh here...Error right?" I say after have found the name.

"What is that?"he says looking at my sketchbook then he takes it."Is this supposed to be me?" He starts laughing.

"I don't get what is funny-" I started saying but I got interrupted by Error ripping the paper.

I immediately go in my knees for catch the pieces of my drawing.

"Why would you do that?!" I screamed holding the pieces in my hand.Then I notice that a group of skeletons is behind me.

"Error who is your little friend?" Says a skeleton with some black liquid coming out of his eyes.

"Just another anomaly"he answers.

I stand up trying to calm down,I take my things and put them in the backpack,then walking away.

A skeleton with a cracked head take me from the shoulder "leaving so soon?".

Then dream's brother,Nightmare,I guess the leader of the group says "We'll take care of you another time".

I manage to free myself and leave the cafeteria.

Dream and Blue saw the scene so they followed me out,giving death stares at the so called bad sanses.

- after lunch break-

I get back to class and sit to my desk.

For all the lesson I tried to not look at Error, which who I share desks.

"Alright class,for the last minutes I want you to write a love poem,for then read it tomorrow"

As I was taking my pen I accidentally touched error's hand. Oh asgore that is his pen.

I immediately take the hand off and noticed that error was gliching badly.

"Uh...error?u ok?"

No answers

I slightly slapped his face calling his name.

No reactions

"Sir!Something us wrong with Error!"I said loud at the teacher.

"take him to the nurse office,I'm busy"

I am disgusted by the careless answer of the teacher,but the disgust was taken away by my worry.

I take Error on my shoulders and start running to the nurse office.

- hours later-

I wake up and notice that I'm not in the classroom anymore,my head hurts.

I turn around to see the last person I expected to see.

Ink....he looks kinda worried.

"Error!You are awake!Are u ok?!"

"Yes I'm fine squid."i sit on the bed. When ink suddenly hugs me.

"I-InK i'Ve GoT HApHepHObia!" I screamed started gliching badly again.

He stops hearing my words
"Sorry I forgot!let me write it in my scarf"
He then takes a pen and write something under his scarf.

"Uh...I have a question,why u write everything under there?"I question him.

" is because since when I was young I easily forget things,that wasn't a problem before...but from years ago I started forgetting things often so I write everything here now."

He looked kinda worried saying it,but then he start smiling as always.

"that doesn't seem something normal..."I say

"Nah,I'm pretty sure it's nothing serious"

We then start talking,he doesn't look such a loser as I thought before.

Fading Memories..(Errorink)Where stories live. Discover now