Guse goes to the DEA?! 😦

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"Y/N it is okay now jesse pinkmen wont hurt you now " gus said as he comforted you back at his meth lab
You sobbed "I know but why he would lie" and guse hugged you. "its okay Y/N he is just a boy and i am a man I will take care of you" he said handsumely to you and you blushed
"what about Walyer what is going to happen? am i going to get hurt again because I cant get hurt again oh no no" you said as you started having a panic atack and gus hughed you tighter.
guse pulled you back and kissed you on the lips "oh gus" you moaned and you were going hot what was he doing was this normal or was it because you are the vampire
Gas kisses you harder "Y/N i would love to kiss you more but i have to Go to the dea" he said in between kissed
you gasp "the dea?!" you said with shock. The DEA was where drug people enforce drugs and get rid of them, what was guse doing there?!?
"Yes Y/N, the dea. i have a Business with them because i make myself look like their friend So they wont find out i am meth" Gus said with smiles and your heart flashed "thats so smart" you said wig wonder how did he know so much? guse was really your dream boy. just thinking About him made you warm inside "Now lets goe" Gus sand and took your hand his hand was so soft and warm and you can tell his meth was treated so well.
So you go to DEA with Gos and there was a man there his name tag said Hank shrader and you felt so shocked The hank schraker?! Guse knew DEA agent hank?! this was so crazy and you could feel your mind start to spin but Gu comforted you and put a hand on you're back "Agent shradder it is so nice to see you again " gus said with happiness on his face
Hank shook Gus's hand and grined, "Mr fring what a pleshure to see you why are you here?" hanl sand he had a voice of raspy but not very raspy and he was funny
Gus started saying "i came here to Donate some pizza to you and the company becuse you all do so much for the community and I also wanted to Introduce my new Friend" he sead with a smile "this is Y/N" guse said
Hank looked at you and put out his hand and shook your hand "Its so great to meet you." He said and you were shocked that Hank shriader knew you now! Suddenly a voice that was so familiar went through the dea building "Hank guse is a kidnapper" and you knee the voice it was Walter and he was here "oh no no oh no" you whispered to yourself You were scared of waler after he kidnepped you before and Gus eyes widened, "Y/N you have to run Walyer is here " and Hank frownd "what is going on" he said and you feel tears down your ceeks it was so scary for walter to be here.
Would hank protect you? Would gas get hurt? find out next episode I know this was a longer episode but i think its not too bad Let me know what you guys think byeree!

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