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(i am so sorry for the delay guys it had been many days since the Last update )
you sat there and a Mustash man was looking down at you "Hey i am from the salamancas we were told Guse hurt you so i had to fetch you" and you gasped. "Gus sent you?!" you could not believe this but a part of you was so angry at guse but so happy because gus was your love and Walyer had shot him and you had been upset.
"Gis Fring did not send me but dawn hector did he is my Uncle" the mustache man said "also my name is Lalo" he said again
you starred at him "where are you taking me" you say as you try to run away "i am takeing you to my uncle dawn Hector" he sand
you tried to crawl away but he grabed your legs to stop you from crawling and you gasp "let me go!" you screamed as you thrash at lalo but he gripped you tight "Hang on Y/N" he said and you screamed and he shoved you in his car and put duck tape on you're mouth "mmmm" you said trying to say something but you could not because Lalo had you bound up "dont Cry Y/N its okay you will meet dawn hector dawn eladio and juan Bolsa soon and they are so nice you will get so many riches from them." you could not help yourself feel a slight sense of love at his mustash and his face curls because it made him so cute and you felt guilty because Guse was your lover but Laylo was so tempting. you remembered you are a vampire so you bit the tape and said "take me to your leaders" you said inpulsivily because you were tempted by riches but you immediately regretted your words after because lalo started driving  And pretty soon you arived at the dawns house. Lalo untied you and said "come Y/N to meet them all" and you suddenly were nervous What if they were mean? but lalo said they were nice and lalo was nice so he could be trusted probably...So you go follow lalo and you see men One was in a wheelchair and he had a little bell and you assumed this must be Lalos uncle. the other had balding on his head and the other was wearing chains on his neck and he looked like a nice guy but also mean. there was another man who was Tall and wore styling clothes and he looked cool but also scary "Y/N this is my cousin Tuco" and tuco Stared at you with a death stare "Lalo how can you bring a person here do they know about the druges?" and you rased your eyebrows "drugs?" but you quickly forgot about drugs when you locked eyes with lalo and you blushed Were you supposed to be feeling like this and this meant you were cheating on guse? you felt so Guilty and you locked down in shame but Lalo sensed you and put a hand on your shoulder which made you blush because his touch was so gentle unlike gus touch which was commanding and dominant but also sweet and cute. "this is Dawn eladio" Lalo sand as he pointed to a man who looked nice but also mean "and this is juan Bolsa" he sand pointing to a balding man "and this is my cool uncle dawn Hector" he send pointing to a man in wheelchairs with a bell ringer thing that straps on handle but Hector was looking you up and down. "do you like Y/N Hector" lalo said and you felt unconforable and all your love went away for lalo because he let hector Stare at your body "ding" hector send which you knew meant yes and you were scared and you needed to escape from them all because they were sex Monsters "Can I go to the bathroom" you send with a smile and lalo nodded "let me show you the Way" and you started walking with Lako but you knew you had to loose him quickly so you found the bathroom. you closed the door and turned on water fawcet so he would not hear you open window so you opened window and there was an old man standing at the window and he looked at you Who was this old man? Did he want to kidnap you? Was he from guse? find out in next chapter should be out soon i know this one was Very long but I make up for the lost time i did'nt post byee bye guys see you next chapter

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