Lola is back?!🤯

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Last epasode you were Capturd by a misery man. Who was it you asking yourself and then before you knew it you were at a House. How did you get here so quick any ways the Bags were taken away from your head and you saw a man and his face curls Brought you back this. Was lala. How did lalo find you how did he knew you would be there? Lalop sand "i Know you were helping for a child so I got you." and your hart breacked He manipullated you? "How coukd you Lola. i thought you Cared for me Where am I where is your Uncle pleas eoh please dont get me Near him Salamander" and Lalo just laughing at you. "silly Y/N You should know by know that i do not Want to take you to Dawn hector and it was not even my choice to Hire to lidnap you" and you were shocked. Llola didnt not want to you? but then Who did?
Lola laghed and send to you "your Man is coming to get you now so we must wait" and you were so scared Who was my man? was it Jussie or was it Walyar? or was it......Gose?!?! You were so scared you send "Lalo please tell who Sent you toward me" and Loko shaked his head. "I cannot tell that to you Right now you must Wait Y/N". but Maybe you could make him tell you by using your Vampire manipullation "Oh oh lala Cant you tell me plase" you sand using your manipulative. Lalo looked at you with the manufactured eyes and send "But Y/N i Cant tell to you he would be angry" but you Did not care because Lola held no place in your hart after what he had done towards you "Tell me Lolo and i will Kiss on you like you wanted Before." and Lola looked  like he wanted to tell "I am sorry Y/N but my Uncle Dawn hector would be vary mad" So you jumped on a conclusion Did dawn Hector sent Lolan? You decided to ask "Lalo was Dawn hesvor who sent you?" and Local shaked his head as no "Then who sent your" you ask getting more Dominating and not many people knowed you had this side Except for hessy when you Kissed on him. Lolo sits down on the bed Next to you and send "I will tell you if you kiss me." and your core Dripped. You didnt wanting for you to be pregnat again Especially not twins but you had no choice so you press your lipes on to Lolas and he kissed you Hard. you really hope you did Not go further because he you didnt want prengacies. he Kissed you again and you leaned into it Why was it kind of nice to Kiss him?! but you were cheating on Jussy right are sure he would Understand...Rite? you will explain to him Zoh would never seen him again because you half to go with Dole. you were so sad and you know Nothing mattered any more so you kiss Lola harder and you kiss him again and touch his face "Oh lola dont stop" you send impulsively and you were shocked at this but After you guys kissed Lola send "Y/N my man who send for you is....." Who was the mistery man Again?! will your name get Pregmat again?! with Twins?!?!? Like for more and subscribe for Bye bur see you next chapter zit will come soon!

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