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I was in the science room with Senku when the light hit me. Taiju had rushed in, saying he was going to confess to Yuzuriha. I snickered as everyone gasped or looked shocked. Senku held out his hand and I handed him his bottle of bluish liquid. He screwed it into some sort of machine. " Hm... interesting verrry interesting" senku said. I could tell he was being sarcastic, as he paid Taiju no mind. " I'll be cheering for you so hard from here in the science lab that my vocal cords'll snap'' I simply sighed as I hopped down from my place on the counter. I smiled at him. " good for you hun" Taiju smiled at me then turned to Senku as I placed a lollipop in my mouth. " Oh, Yeah? Thanks Senku!" Taiju exclaimed in joy. "Shut up, I won't cheer even one millimeter for you" Senku drawled out.

" WAIT SO WHICH IS IT?!" Why must Taiju be so loud? He was as loud as an elephant , and even they were quieter than him. Speaking of Elephants, I wonder if that fool of a ship's captain had any yet. He always seemed to have every animal you could think of. It was starting to get annoying. I zoned back into the conversation at a loud boom. Senku lit the Sink on fire or something. A few of our classmates walked towards the window and started taking bets as to what would happen. I let out a low laugh as Senku chimed in with the highest bet, saying, and I quote, " Ten thousand yen says she'll accept him, contrary to expectations"

The three boys let out a " REALLY?!" I walked to stand beside Senku, lollipop in mouth, and about a four to five dozen more in the pocket of my jacket, *sealed* as Senku would put it, in a platinum case. Is this a little extra for lollipops? To some people, sure. To me? Nope. Suddenly, I got a bad feeling in my gut. " Senku..." I spoke quietly, a habit I had picked up in my years of hunting. He looked over at me as a green light raced towards us. My eyes widened as I took out my box of sweet treats. I Clutched them in my hand as the light reached me. I could see Senku briefly out of the corner of my eyes before everything went dark. The darkness was... sickening. To me at least. I prefer the dark when the moon is out. It makes it easier to see. But pitch black? No. Not my thing.

I couldn't move. I couldn't talk. It struck a nerve in me. I hated it. I felt as if I was the prey. Like I was the one being hunted, not the hunter. I mentaliy shuddered at the thought. No. Not again. I won't go through with that again. And yet, as the darkness seemed to close in on me, I felt as if that was all that would happen. Relieving nightmares was going to be a pain in the ass. Perhaps, no, most likely, Senku was still awake. He would find a way to break out of this. Taiju would as well. The stubborn boy wouldn't die, or whatever this was, without confessing to Yuzuriha. And at that thought, I let myself be consumed by the darkness around me.

* timeskip to book number 10 *

I could feel the darkness surrounding me. To some, that may sound strange. After so long in the dark, only waking up every now and then, feeling became my most prominent sense. The darkness was heavy. It was constricting. No moonlight, no light of biolesent animals, only darkness. Is this what it's like to be blind? I could feel the box in my hand, and the heat of the sun on my face. Wait. Sun? Heat? The darkness began to fade. I opened one of my eyes. Standing in front of me was Senku Ishigami. I let out a low laugh as I felt my muscles twitch in an effort to get what was weighing me down off of me. In one short flick of my wrist, the stone, as I could now see, flew off me in every direction.

I heard multiple yelps. Some of fear, others of pain as the shards of stone hit them. I stumbled ever so slightly as my legs gave way. I was quickly caught by Senku. He let out a laugh as he put me back in a standing position. When he spoke again, after so long in the stone, it felt like heaven for my ears. The sound around me only amplified the feeling. Birds, the rustling of the wind in the trees and the grass. The sound of shuffling behind me " kekekeke Welcome to the stone world Everglade."

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