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Adrien just came out of the movie theaters of watching Avatar The Way Of Water. He really liked it and he can't wait to get it on DVD in a few months. It was dark outside and the movie sure was long.

"Time for this bad kitty to get sexy and wild" Adrien smirked.

"Nightclub again? You do know that place has nasty criminals" Plagg said.

"I'm the prince of thieves and I'm ready for rumble" Adrien grinned dangerously.

"You are becoming very wild" Plagg rolled his eyes.

"I know. Plagg claws out!" He transformed into Cat Noir.

He soon arrived at the Moth Night club, named after the late Shadow Moth. He may hate that name but it was the only criminal nightclub in Paris. He headed to the entrance, walking past the guard outside. Music blaring so loud that he didn't even care. The only thing that matters is respect and his reputation as the prince of thieves.

"One glass of milk please" He ordered at the bar.

"Like a kitten lost his mother. Is that all you drink, kitty?" The bartender laughed and hands him a glass of milk.

"Just my favorite" Cat Noir replied and gulped some of the milk.

"And very young to be a criminal for a year," The bartender said.

"That's why I'm not the king yet," Cat Noir said.

"You do know someone can overthrow you," The bartender said.

"Ladybug can but I broke her earlier," Cat Noir said and his cat ears twitched that the bad gang from behind was about to stab a knife at his head.

So he dodged and the knife hit the chair he was sitting on. The feline glared at the criminal and extends his claws, grabbed the knife off the chair, and threw it at the criminal's leg.


"That's what happens when you mess with the prince of thieves!" Cat Noir warned them.

"Let's declaw this kitten!" Another thug took out a crowbar.

Cat Noir hissed and rushed towards the thug, jumping on him, locking his legs on the thug's neck, and falling down with him. He elbow-strike him in the stomach and knocked him out.

"Anyone else wanna declaw my claws?" Cat Noir asked coldly but the remaining thugs backed off in fear, "That's what I thought" Cat Noir smirked and goes on stage to pole dance with the ladies. He unzips his suit to show his bare torso, gaining the attention of the ladies.

"Look at that Cat," One girl said.

"So meowing," Another said.

"And purrfect" The third one said.

"Merci, ladies" Cat Noir purred and spun around the pole. His tail swished as he danced.

"We love you Cat Noir!" They cried out.

Cat Noir then spins around the pole and bent backward.


Outside, Marinette was currently Multimouse, deciding to temporarily put Ladybug to rest to not further provoke Cat Noir. He may be a cat but he does have cat instincts like catching a mouse.

"Well just enough time waiting for him to catch the mouse instead of the bug," Multimouse said.

She felt like she's being watched and when she saw Cat Noir appear, he crawled on all fours around like a cat. Twirling her tail and sniffing her hair seductively.

"Meow, so delicious to taste a mouse" Cat Noir licked her cheek.

"Hello pussy cat" Multimouse blushed.

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