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Multimouse carried her injured kitty to the abandoned Agreste mansion. Cat Noir wanted to show her what really happened a year ago. Detectives declared that it was a terrorist attack and they could not find the bodies in the mansion but they only found Nathalie and the bodyguard alive. Multimouse had to hide that she already discovered it all. So she's playing along.

"This mansion is like a house of horrors now," Multimouse said.

"I'm used to it," Cat Noir said, going into the office.

"This is it?" Multimouse looks around.

"Yes. Follow me" Cat Noir pushed the hidden buttons on the portrait and the platform opened to reveal a destroyed elevator.

"An elevator?" Multimouse said.

"Ladies first" He let her go first.

Multimouse slides down with Cat Noir coming after her. As soon they came to a stop, Cat Noir leads her through the lair.

"Does he look familiar to you?" Cat Noir pointed at the black skeleton bones of his father. The broken glasses were there with the bones.

"AAAAAH!!!" Multimouse pulled her scared act, "Is that your father's bones?!"

"Yup. I discovered he was Shadow Moth and he caught me in here. We battled and I didn't want to cataclysm him but to take him to the police station to face justice. But instead, he forced me to cataclysm him, dying in front of my eyes" Cat Noir explained what happened.

Multimouse covered her mouth in horror, "My god! That's sick! Rather killing himself than facing justice?! And your dad is Shadow Moth?!" Multimouse flinched in horror.

"Yes. He wanted to use mine and milady's miraculous to bring my mother back. He was beyond insane to think this would be a family reunion. Mom and I wouldn't want that" Cat Noir sobs.

Multimouse felt bad for him for all he went through with his father and her actions as Ladybug, so she hugged him for comfort.

"Oh, Kitty" She pets his hair.

"Puuuuuuurrrrrrr" Cat Noir purred in sadness.

"I'm so sorry this had to happen," Multimouse said.

"It's my father's fault for being a psycho" Cat Noir nibbled her neck.

"All this for his selfish goal," Multimouse said.

"And this is where he kept my mother" Cat Noir brings her to the casket.

Multimouse placed her hand on the glass, seeing Emile, "Oh, Adrien. Your mother would have been proud of your heroics in the old days" Multimouse said.

"Yeah. She's still alive but she's in some kind of magic coma. Dad mentioned that she used the broken brooch of the peacock miraculous" Cat Noir explained, leaving out that he has the miraculous.

"No good" Multimouse said.

"I can't bring her back. But I can't leave her like this" Cat Noir said.

"I understand, Kitty" Multimouse nuzzled his chest.

"I'm still an orphan. All I have is myself. I'm the last Agreste" Cat Noir said.

"And the title of the mansion passes to you, Adrien" Multimouse said.

"Not anymore. It's all in ruins" Cat Noir said, "I hope Ladybug understands me now after she was here before us" He added.

They heard a noise and Cat Noir looked at the bones missing, "Shit! Someone's watching us. We gotta go, now" Cat Noir carried Multimouse and jumped up to the damaged elevator to leave the mansion.

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