Casper is that you?

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(art, not mine credits go to the original artist) 

I opened my door, threw my bag down on the floor by my door, and kicked off my converse. My day had been absolute shit having to deal with my annoying ass boss, and the annoying ass people I work with. I swear why do old people always walk around like someone pissed in their fucking cheerios. as I went into my kitchen, to look to see what I had to eat, I opened my fridge looking at the empty fridge with a jug of almost spoiled milk and some random leftovers that had probably been there since I moved here. I let out a sigh as I picked up my phone to dial the Chinese takeout place closest to me but someone beat me to it. it was an unknown number, now don't get me wrong I know about the ghost face killer calling his victims before he kills them but I was bored and decided, hey what the fuck. so I picked up "hello?" said the hot I mean mysterious voice spoke "yo" I responded "who is this?" he said back "it is I sir Reginald Hargreaves the third, I need to speak to you about your cars extended warranty," I said in an old man voice, I heard a laugh in the background, a smile cracking its way across my face because I made an unknown person laugh. "anyways, who you tryna reach?" I politely asked "well I asked this chick for her number and I guess she gave me yours instead of hers" he nervously chuckled on the other end of the phone "ugh what a bitch, sorry dude that sucks," I said rolling my eyes as I grabbed the microwave popcorn from my cabinet and throwing it in the microwave clicking the popcorn button and sitting next to the microwave. "it all good, I least I got to meet you right?" the stranger spoke "stop I'm blushing," I said in the most annoying white girl voice I could muster before bursting out laughing. "so you got a boyfriend?" mysterious phone man asked "I do, its called my bed," I said cracking a smile "what's that noise?" the man asked finally hearing the popping of my popcorn "oh popcorn I'm planning on watching a movie" I responded "oh~ are you going to watch a scary movie," he asked intrigued "perhaps," I said grabbing the bag out of the microwave and dumping it in a bowl. "whats you favorite scary movie?" the stranger asked from the other side of the phone "Bro shrek the musical for sure, when lord farquad was like torturing the gingerbread man for answers had me shitting myself for real" I said forcing fear into my voice before laughing. "....." no answer "hello?" I said back "are you serious?" the man asked not knowing if I was shitting him or not "no of course not, my favorite scary movie is either terrifier 2 or American psycho" I replied "terrifier 2," he asked confused "yeah, the one where the white and black clown was supposedly dead after shooting himself in the head, but he came back and this white chick like decapitated him?" I said plopping on my couch and shoving some popcorn in my mouth "oh that one" he hummed in recognition "what's your favorite scary movie?" I asked "guess" he responded "hmmm you seem like a sick bastard so I say, the conjuring or the shining" I stated looking through HBO max looking for a new horror movie "I like the conjuring it was scary, but I wouldn't say it's my favorite." he said, I didn't answer as I was deep in thought choosing between bird box and the quiet place eventually deciding on quiet place "are you still there?" he asked "yeah" I responded "so you got a name," the stranger asked. now I know better than to give a stranger my name so I came up with a simple answer " yeah my name is Walter Hartwell White and I make crystal meth with my accomplice Jessi" I responded in my best Walter White impression. I heard another laugh on the other side of the phone guessing it was a friend of the stranger. "that's not your name," he said "how do you know Mr stranger my parents could be huge breaking bad fans and named me after him" I responded, but the thing is I never knew my parents, I'm an orphan, my mother passed away due to cancer when I was very young and my father killed himself, later on, the only family I had was my older brother, but he ended up overdosing around the age of 17. I went to this Christian orphanage in Haddonfield but ended up running away once I hit the age of 15 right before Micheal Myers killed his sister and her boyfriend. "well I know that isn't the case is it (y/n)" the stranger responded, my blood ran cold. How did he know my name? I never told him, did I? "mmm that's not my name either, it's actually Sydney Prescott" that name must have struck a nerve, I know it did "oh wait that isn't my name either silly me it's Tatum Riley" that one struck a nerve with the other person too. You see I'm a bit of a serial killer nut, I have full backgrounds on the killers I might even know a few identities of masked killers as well. ever since the first murder in my town by my childhood best friend, Micheal Audrey Myers, I decided to look into other popular killers. so I knew who I was talking to, but they didn't know that. at least until I said those names they didn't. as I grabbed the biggest knife I had out of my knife block I said "see you later, I'm going to hang up now" I said my finger hovering over the end button "NO YOU LISTEN TO ME BITCH-" he started but I interrupted "you're going to string me up and gut me like a fish right? yeah, I've heard the calls that have been recorded. I'm not stupid I picked up this call fully well knowing there was a possibility it was the Ghostface killers. I know you're right outside my front door too. so you have two options A) you come and attempt to kill me or B) you leave me be and don't leave severely injured. what do you say?" silence, eerie silence, that's all it was. the killers were contemplating what to do. however, they decided after my front door was broken down. I ended the call quickly by dialing 911 "9-1-1 what's your emergency" the person asked " no time to talk but my address is 12345 elm street" the phone was then hit out of my hand and I was pinned against my counter and stabbed in the arm. I quickly head-butted the killer, his mask going into his nose, as he let me go, I grabbed my knife cutting his arm swiftly before running up the stairs. I ran into my room knowing I can get out of my house by the gutter just next to my window. I locked the door moving my vanity in front of the door for extra measure. Quickly opening my window and sliding down the gutter running into the street. hearing the sirens I knew that the killer in my house heard them too and was most likely out of my house. I quickly wipe the knife off so they couldn't catch the killer and lit the towel on fire so they couldn't get his DNA. I ripped my shirt wrapping it around my arm as tight as I could and sat on my steps waiting for the cops to actually arrive. In pulled deputy Riley and sheriff burke. "MX. (l/n)" asked sheriff burke "yup," I said popping the p "we-" I interrupted the sheriff "are gonna have to take me down to the station for questioning, yeah I know the drill" I got up off the step of my house quickly dusting myself off and walking with the deputy and the sheriff. Once we arrived at the station I was taken in for questioning "what did the attacker look like?" the deputy asked as the sheriff had to leave for other business "you know who it is already why ask?" I asked the deputy "protocol" he responded, I hummed in response "well he had a white mask, the eyes of the mask were upturned into a worrying type of look while the mouth of the mask was extended into a shrieking expression," I responded in great detail the looks of the mask "You seemed pretty safe except for that nasty gash on your arm, what happened?" deputy Riley asked raising his eyebrow "well after I hung up I immediately dialed 911, the phone was knocked out of my hand and he pinned me against the counter I head-butted him, then ran up the stairs going into my room sliding my vanity in front of the door and going out my window using the gutter pipe next to my window as kind of like a fire pole running to the front, once I arrived I heard the sirens and I believe so did the killer in my house, so he most likely fled not wanting to get caught" I said in a nonchalant manner shrugging my shoulders. "I see, well you're free to go? however, I suggest staying at a hotel or a friend's house until your door gets fixed, yeah?" deputy Riley spoke as he stood up "mm no shit sherlock" I said grabbing my fo leather trenchcoat that I got from a thrift store. "bye (y/n)" deputy Riley spoke, I slung my trenchcoat over my shoulder before waving my back turned to the deputy. Little did I see the hazel-colored eyes following me, or shall I say the trenchcoat over my shoulder. 



here are the love interests I'm planning on doing so yall don't have to like you know guess 

Billy Loomis + Stu Marcher 

Danny Jhonson/ Jed Olson

Jason Dean (from the musical not the movie, sorry) 

Thomas Hewitt

Bubba swayer 

Carrie White

Patrick Bateman (he is hot and underrated fight me) 

Hannibal Lecter ( Mads Mikkelsen's Hannibal) 

 Jason Vorhees

Micheal Myers 

Norman Bates 

Brahms Heelshire (he is also hot and underrated, fight me) 

Tiffany Valentine (this is as a human, not the doll version of her) 

Candyman/Daniel Robitaille 

(and any you ask, if you ask for Chucky or Freddy Kruger however I might not do them as love interests cause it's literally a doll, and Freddy's a dick Uhm but ill make them friends or something)

now they might be OOC sometimes cause it is like that sometimes but ill try my best to keep them as in character as I possibly can but don't like eat my toes off in my sleep cause they aren't exactly like they are in the movie 

chile anyways have a great day yall MUWAH 

drink water, take your medication, and eat something if you haven't

tell me what you think and help me if I spell anything wrong or if there are any typos

remember I love you, and if you are an ass you can suck my balls

yours truly, author

(1901 words)

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