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DIEGO WASN'T going to go at first, he had no desire to get out of bed after the disappointment he felt in himself after the game. but he decided on going after he realized you would be going alone with everyone else.

not that he didn't trust his teammates, he just had more faith in himself.

"you don't have to go, diego-"
"no i do, i definitely do."

y/n was in the bathroom, getting ready- out of diego's sight.

"do you even have anything to wear? diego the restaurant has a dress code-"
"yes i do, i have a suit-"
"why the fuck do you have a suit?"
"gotta be prepared, plus- i assumed we'd go somewhere fancy."

y/n furrowed her brows, but continued getting ready in the bathroom.

"but you don't even feel good, your side-"
"i'm fine, just- stop questioning, okay?"

diego was pulling out a nicely packed suit from his suitcase, it looked like any normal suit - black and white. it was nothing special. 
you'd assume that diego would've chosen something extravagant, but no. hes a basic bitch.

he also took out dress shoes, which he had used in the few weeks they were in france.

diego slowly undressed himself, his side still hurt from the injury, so he tried to be as careful as he could. slowly but surely, he managed to get the dress shirt onto himself, although it was a struggle.

with diego distracted with his suit, y/n walked out. she wore the maroon colored dress she had bought what felt almost a century ago. she had on black wedges, her hair brushed neatly.

"need any help?"
"yea actually," diego looked up, "i need- woah."

diego was shocked, to say the least. it felt like the wind got knocked out of him once he looked at y/n in the maroon dress. his eyes wandered everywhere; every curve, sparkle, every piece of skin that was revealing. he was captivated.

"earth to diego, hellooo?"

falling out of his trance, diego looked up.

"when did you- this dress, when?"
"the day i didn't answer your calls, this was mostly why."

"glad you didn't answer then cause, wow. you look, you look ravishing."

y/n smiled, "thank you! anyways, you needed help?"
"oh shit, yea. my buttons, can you help? the guys are probably almost done so i need to hurry."
"yea sure, i got you."

with y/n now being directly in front of diego, buttoning his shirt up, he was a little nervous.

well actually,, he was very nervous.

his heart was beating faster every second, even has he tried to fix his suit pants- his mind was rushing. y/n looked captivating tonight.

"wow, do i make you that nervous?"
"diego, your heart- i can hear it."

fuck, diego thought.

"no its uh, its nothing."
"you sure about that?" y/n said, cockily.
"mhm, i'm sure." no i'm not.

y/n gave diego a pat on the chest, "okay, i'm done!"
she turned around, looking for her purse.

diego sighed, he was still thinking. and thinking a lot.

he shook his head, grabbing his lounge coat and slipping it on. then he moved onto putting on his dress shoes.

"well, diego i'll go ahead and start heading down- kevin and chucky are at the lobby. every one else is still getting ready."
"alright." diego sighed, watching as y/n's silhouette walked out of the hotel room.

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