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She was the first to get into position for a fight she should have known that this wasn't just a ball she should have known that this Christmas Caroling event was just a time for singing Carol's and waltzing across the ballroom floor she had been caught off guard from the beautiful dresses the dancing and the food but what distracted her the most was the young man and being thrown off guard like she had resulted in the death of a innocent young man.
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Fire danced on Amber's hands as she aimed her magic at she didn't know what but she knew danger was coming and just because you couldn't see the threat didn't mean it wasn't there she could barely hear over the overlapping chatter about a cute young man's death a cute young man's murder that happened in this very room.
The overlapping chatter about this certain topic made Amber's stomach churn up in knots so she tried blocking out every voice in the room and just focus on the other sounds in the room listening for their common enemy, for a murderer.
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Nivia's hair lightened in color as she got into a fighting stance following Amber's example many believed she like her sisters only had one magical ability but for Nivia that wasn't the case her magical abilities consisted of a mix between fire and ice.
Nivia pushed down the topic and like Amber she listened for their common enemy for a murderer.
Every little sound made Nivia flinch.
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Rain's eyes turned red and behind her was her creepy water Elemental as she to got into a fighting stance it was just too quiet and the sisters didn't want to be caught off guard she just wouldn't. Like Amber Rain had heard talk she had heard the overlapping chatter about a cute young man's death a cute young man's murder that happened in this very room.
The overlapping chatter about this certain topic made Rain want to be sick in fact Rain knew that the subject made all her sisters sick and caused their stomachs to churn up in knots
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Iclyn was last to get into a fighting stance following her three sisters example Tiny Tim couldn't help but stare in awe at the four sisters.
She was one who would pretend she was fine and when she thought that no one was listening she would break down like she was nothing more than a piece of porcelain and that's just what she did as she listened to the overlapping chatter
Chatter about a cute young man's death a cute young man's murder that happened in this very room. Only this time she was having trouble pretending.
All she wanted to do was throw up talking about death about murder Iclyn was her breaking point she and her sisters had seen and heard so much of it and eventually one would hear about it or see it and feel nothing more than sick.
That was what was happening to the four sisters right now.
Tiny Tim couldn't help but wonder, he noticed the similarities between this mystery girl and the four sisters but he could tell that Amber Nivia Rain and Iclyn thought nothing of it but the similarities were definitely there.
Tiny Tim's swirling thoughts about Amber Nivia Rain and Iclyn along with the mystery girl came to a halt as something another Elemental burst into the room roaring loudly.
This one an Elemental of water.
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Amber didn't know why but she decided the best course of action in this situation was to join their magic with the mystery girl but like I said combined magic was dangerous for their common enemies.
There was a blast of magic that destroyed this water Elemental. Tiny Tim couldn't help but cry as Ebenezer wrapped his arms around him tight.
Oh thank you Tiny Tim cried as he pulled Amber Nivia Rain and Iclyn into a group hug while the mystery girl stood awkwardly to one side of the room leaning against a pillar.
She flinched and went stiff as she was wrapped in a hug of her very own and it was the moment the second that Nivia's eyes met with Ebenezer's tears steamed down Nivia's cheeks as she was wrapped in Ebenezer's arms I thought I'd... We'd never see you again Nivia hey it's ok Ebenezer said as Amber Rain and Iclyn burst into tears.
Hey girl's it's ok I'm here I'm right here Ebenezer said before his lips turned into a smirk. The claw is coming you better run truce the girls laughed and Ebenezer stopped his tickle attack.
You haven't changed a bit Ebenezer Scrooge Rain laughed and I see you four haven't lost your dramatic flare Ebenezer countered playfully but if I'm being honest she seems just as dramatic as you four Ebenezer said pointing to the mystery girl who still stood awkwardly to one side of the room leaning against a pillar staring at her boots.
It was a single word small and simple that made her head snap up and that one word that came out of Nivia's mouth was a name her name.