Death Eater Attack (Hurt/Comfort/Fluff)

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"Get her out of here." Dumbledore spoke softly yet urgently as the sound of pounding footsteps and spells being fired rushed towards us.

"Severus, now!" The man bellowed, my potion's teacher grabbing my wrist firmly and dragging me towards the floo, tripping over my own feet as I tried to keep up with his long legs.

I was forced into the tight space of the fireplace with the older man still keeping his firm hold on me. He grabbed a handful of the grey powder and dropped it at our feet as he shouted out our destination and the password that would grant us access.

"Malfoy Manor! Serpentis Arce!" The last thing I saw was the crowd of masked villains storming the headmaster's office, pausing as they realized I was escaping their grasp once again.

Colors swirled in my vision as we flew through the wormhole that was the floo network, the journey lasting merely a second but feeling like a lifetime as fear coursed through my veins. Upon landing my professor grabbed the back of my shirt to keep me upright, knowing the abrupt collision with each other would knock me off balance. There was a reason people typically flooed one at the time.

We both stumbled into the icy dungeon that was Malfoy manor, the warm atmosphere of the normally inviting school instantly stripped away. I took in the familiar sights and smells of my best friend's home, having visited here many times before and understanding exactly why I had been brought here of all places.

Lucius Malfoy was close with the potion's master and I knew my teacher trusted him. The Malfoy family had switched sides in this war the minuet they found out their son was to become one of his followers, now secretly fighting alongside the light.

They knew what these people were capable of but were more than willing to fight for what they believed in and had vowed to do whatever they could to protect me upon finding out the prophecy. Harry and I had shared the curse that fateful night, each taking a piece of his soul and connecting us in a way that no other twins were. Lord Voldemort needed us both dead in order to complete his mission of overtaking the wizarding world and I had no doubt that my brother had been taken to a safe house of his own once the Death Eaters began storming the school.

However, the promise of safety for both of us did nothing to quell my fear of them somehow knowing where we were and following. I kept glancing back and forth from my teacher to the fireplace as I wrapped my arms around myself as an act of self soothing. I shifted nervously back and forth as my breathing quickened, the sight of my normally expressionless potion's professor panicked face doing nothing to aid me.

"Severus? What's the meaning of this?" In walked the two elder Malfoy's with equal looks of shock and confusion written on their faces as they hurriedly made their way towards us.

"The death eaters are in the school. Minerva has Harry and Albus sent me away with y/n. I did not know where else to go with so little warning." The man sounded stressed and it frightened me even more, keeping my eyes glued to the floo network not that I had any power to stop the dangerous group outside of school anyways.

"Calm yourself Severus. You are safe here and always welcome, you know that." Lucius tried to console his old friend as best he could and I wrapped my arms tighter around my torso, feeling my body shaking lightly from the adrenaline still coursing through my veins.

The two men began to talk in hushed whispers about our next move and how we needed to wait on Dumbledore to come and get us. He was supposed to follow us once it was safe and the best thing for us right now was simply to sit tight and keep on our toes just in case they found our location.

While the two men talked I had refocused my attention on calming my breathing and keeping an eye on the floo, unaware of the Malfoy matriarch coming up behind me. A light touch to my back made me startle, instantly spinning around and meeting her sympathetic gaze with my panicked one.

"Come here love." She spoke calmly, gently pulling me into her embrace and stroking my back as I clung to her. I buried my face in the crook of the other woman's neck and allowed myself to revel in the safety of another person's touch but continued listening for the familiar 'whoosh' from the fireplace behind me.

I felt the occasional soft kiss pressed to my temple as my tears began to wet the older witch's shirt, hating how weak I was appearing but unable to do anything about it in this moment. Narcissa allowed me the comfort I needed, never letting go and keeping up a consistent stream of small reassurances in some form or another to ensure I knew she was right there with me.

My hold on her clothing tightened and my body tensed as the sound of the floo flaring to life caught all of our attention. I heard Lucius and professor Snape snap to attention with wands drawn, ready to fight off the intruders. Narcissa's hold on me tightened, ready to get me out of there if things went South.

However, the fight never came. Rather, the calm and collected voice of the headmaster made its way to my ears and my body relaxed a fraction of an inch as did the older woman's hold on me.

"They are gone. For now. Upon realizing both y/n and Harry had been moved they had no use for the school and vanished just as quickly as they came." The old man spoke softly yet tiredly.

"How much damage was there?" The voice of my teacher came in.

"Enough." Madam Pomfrey. The others must be attending the injured students and staff while Dumbledore brought her along to assist him.

"Ms. Y/l/n?" The headmaster asked kindly, waiting on me to look at him. I shuffled around so that I could face him without moving from my spot nestled in Narcissa's chest.

"You need to be healed child. Allow madam Pomfrey to take care of you." Narcissa pulled back to peer down at me, unaware that I had been injured due to my black clothing hiding the blood seeping out of my abdomen.

"I'm sorry." I managed weakly as we both took notice of the fresh blood stain on her own stomach from where I had been pressed up against her.

"Don't worry about that now love. Come, lie down." She directed me towards the sofa and laid me down on my back to give the mediwitch the most room to work, taking a seat on the edge of the sofa as her slim fingers intertwined with my own for comfort.

"I am going to pull your shirt up Ms. y/l/n. Is that alright?" I nodded quickly, giving my consent, and the older woman did just that. A hole the size of a golfball resided in the lower right cavity of my stomach, blood oozing from the wound in a steady stream, and I was beginning to feel the blood loss in my fuzzy head.

The hand in mine tightened as she saw the extent of my wound, using the other hand to swipe the stray hairs off my forehead as I fought to stay awake and she tried to keep her gaze away from my stomach.

"You're alright sweetheart. Just stay awake for me." Narcissa murmured, the cold tip of a wand pressing gently against the edge of my wound as the mediwitch muttered a few spells to heal it.

After the hash had been closed and I was no longer actively losing blood she gave me a blood replenishing potion to help with my tiredness, finally going to speak with the headmaster and tell him that her work here was done. Surely they had to go and check on my brother as well.

I was feeling a bit better and awkwardly pulled myself into a seated position with Narcissa's help, leaning my back against her with a sigh.

"What happened? I didn't even realize you were injured."

"I was in the common room when the death eaters attacked. I tried to run when they found me but I got hit with a spell. I have no clue what it even was I just kept running until I made it to Dumbledore's office and professor Snape brought me here." I just remembered the gut wrenching feeling of the spell ripping into my flesh, adrenaline kicking in and helping my legs to carry me away from certain death even as my vision swam with colors and my stomach churned from the pain.

"I'm just glad you're safe." I nodded, hoping the same for my brother. I couldn't wait for this war to be over.

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