NM X Reader (Smut)

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I was laying in bed, just trying to get comfortable enough for sleep to overtake me, when a knock resounded at my door.

"It's open." I called to the person outside, never lifting my eyes from the sketch pad on my lap or stilling my lightly bouncing leg as it lay crossed over the other one.

I glanced around my legs to see Narcissa enter the room, quietly closing the door behind her before making her way over to my bed and perching herself right on the edge at my feet.

"What's up?" I asked, finding an air of uncomfortableness written across her beautiful face.

"I know it's late but Lucius has returned to the Ministry for a work affair and I have no idea when he will be back."

"Oh?" I asked when she didn't continue.

"And I uh-" the older witch subtly shifted her weight, clenching her thighs as she nibbled at her bottom lip. "Have a desperate need that I need taken care of."

Finally the other woman's chocolate brown gaze met mine, full of an overwhelming sense of desire as she silently pleaded with me. I quirked one eyebrow and released a throaty chuckle as I chewed at the pen bobbing between my teeth.

"Do you need a good fuck Mrs. Malfoy?" I taunted in a sing songy voice, watching as the older woman swallowed the saliva building in her throat and raised her chin ever so slightly in an attempt to look more put together than she was.

"Yes." Was all she stated, lustful gaze following me as I threw the sketch pad aside along with the pen, unfurling my legs and sitting up to face her.

"You must be desperate if you're actually coming to see me." I teased, crawling my way up the bed to be perched on my knees behind her.

Lithe hands slid up her shoulder blades and over sharp collarbones, one hand carefully wrapping around the other witch's throat and leaning her head back to be resting underneath my chin so that I could whisper in her ear.

"You really are a hopeless little whore aren't you Mrs. Malfoy? Unable to contain your desires until your husband returns. Whatever would he think about you allowing the young girl staying in your home to touch you in the way that I am about to hm?" I whispered sweetly, venom dripping from the sickly sweet tone as I traced Narcissa's soft jugular with long nails.

"He doesn't deserve you, you know. That man doesn't deserve to have such a beautiful, perfect little whore at his beckoning." My hands roamed downwards to squeeze her clothed breasts, palming the ample bosom as my warm breath tickled the side of her face.

"He doesn't deserve me.. he can't make me feel the things that you make me feel.." Narcissa murmured breathily, pushing her chest into my hands as she silently begged for more.

"That's right my little dove. I am the only one who can make you feel this way. I am the one that will have you screaming my name tonight." I pressed a soft kiss to the older witch's temple as I continued working her breasts, undoing a couple of buttons on her blouse and kneading the perky tits underneath the thin camisole and lacy brazier.

"Only you y/n. Only you. Please.. I'm so desperate." Narcissa pleaded, thighs grinding together as her core ached for attention.

"Tut tut my pet. Be patient. You know I never leave my playthings unsatisfied." My hands removed themselves from her shirt, sliding down to rest on her thighs where the hem of her black pencil skirt touched porcelain skin.

Skilled fingers took the material between them and hiked it upwards onto the other woman's hips, Narcissa lifting herself up to help me. Cold fingers explored warm, creamy thighs as I acknowledged the heat emanating from her core.

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