Chapter 5

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He stood up really fast causing him to fall. "You didn't save me this time!! Why??.." he softly punched my chest as he sobbed. I hugged him because I didn't know what to do. Me and him laid there hugging each other as he stopped crying.

Batman POV:

I softly pushed Joker away. I make eye contact with his sympathetic eyes, the irony of the villian coming for the hero's help. A cry for help I ignored but I tried at last. "Let's go home" I break the silence. 

"I'd like that" Joker said with sanity. Ignoring the bruises and cuts on him. His swollen eyes blinked and looked at me with plead. We buckled into the car and drove straight to the Mansion. The drive back was silent, joker non stop glaring at me. I looked back when he finally spoke up. "Bats.. We we're once the opposite you thought but now we are close, it didn't take long for me to realize my feelings for you." He hesitantly said. I realized what he meant. "Do you mean you love me?" I wanted to make him more clear. 

"I'm afraid so." Joker followed with a chuckle, thinking the situation was funny. I looked down to the thin men under me to be itching the arm that was unhealed. I grabbed his hand even though I was driving, causing him to look up at me. "I killed some people you loved, don't you get it? Me playing victim and the terrible things happening to me but your taking care of me like I never did any of those things... I can't help but feel wrong." Joker admited Sheeply. I noticed he changed from a insanity phycso  to a sane man. He was finally healing without Arkham but instead, his "enemy" helped him, if even his enemy. Would I have done this with anyone else. "I'm not one to admit my feelings but I do feel affection towards you now than ever, even though you did all that nasty stuff your'e healing." Both the men facial expression changed.

We hit the driveway of the Mansion. Joker stepped through the door and Alfred was surprised. "Ah, you found him." With a hint of relief in Alfred's voice. "I found him" batman responded proudly. Robin came to see the excitement. Holding a grudge against Joker and forgetting about him, he was surprised. "Batman?! Aren't you going to tackle him? He's right here in "Brucies house?" Posing to get ready for an attack. 

"Joker is ongoing treatment here, he's trying to get better" I tried to explain to Robin but I know he was judging me based off of his facial expression. He quickly stomped up the stairs to his room. "I hope I didn't bother anyone." Joker said out of character. It was getting late and everyone had dinner after Alfred served them. Trying to get rid of the awkward atmosphere one of them spoke up.

"Do you think we would ever get into a relationship?" The words formed out of the clowns lips slowly. The bat looked over at him in the lone dining room when they were eating dinner. "With time, I think we could" leaving a slight smirk on both of their faces. "Bats we had a long day, we should go to bed now?" They separated into their room with a final goodnight. 

Joker POV

When I hit the bed, memories of today over flowed my head. The bruises did ache but after Alfred treated them they did feel better. The mattress felt better on my back than the hard, cold, nasty floor earlier. I tried not to touch my bruises nor cuts while moving to a comfortable sleeping position. It was so dark, the only thing making a difference between closing and opening my eyes is the slight shadow from the window. When my blood crusted, dirty hair touched my face I realized I forgot to shower because of how tired I was.

I woke up to a slight choking. Someone was on top of me and choking me. I tried not to panic while looking around to notice I was still in the same room. The body on top of me was covering the clock but I faintly read it to see it say 3:42AM. The choking got harder to the point I couldn't breathe, not even batman would choke me this hard. It was enough to kill me. Soon enough I was making desperate moaning sounds just to breathe. It was a sound I never made when someone tried to choke me. I finally gain the strength to try to push them off of me, clawing at them.I clawed harder working for my life, pushing and hitting harder. I heard a small groan noise  which made me immediately know it was Robin. He was trying to seek revenge. I tried harder to get him off of me which worked, it triggered a part in my brain I tried to recover. Soon enough the same insanity laugh filled my lungs forcefully, I hadn't made the noise in weeks. Through the pitch darkness I see Robin's eyes looking worried and made eye contact with mine.

I tried to stop it by covering my mouth but ended up choking on my own laughter. Tears filled my eyes, I hated this laugh reminding me of my physcotic  villian self I tried to get rid of. I looked up at robin trying to grab the nearest weapon. He started charging at me while I did nothing but block. I didn't wanted to be this "villian" anymore, I want Batman to like me. I love dancing with him but it would just end up killing each other. I remembered the pain how I use to love it and I still do, robin attacking me just triggered me into a spiral. He grunted like the man earlier did. "Robin please.." I begged for him to stop.

Robin started laughing. "It's ironic how you're the one needing saving, after everything you did. You deserve this."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2022 ⏰

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