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soso, this may be confusing.

I have four human ocs in the mimic.

One monster oc. Any of yall know a japanese urban legend that carries a teddy bear and is gigantic? I dont.

Yasu just went POOF with his friends and its up to some kids/Yasu's siblings who are under 13 to find them.

(I used google translate for the mcs japanese names.)

Foxy, translating to Fokushī (フォクシー) in japanese. He uses He/him. A very bright mind who will protect his siblings even at the cost of his own life. Hes the oldest and is 12 Years Old. March 16 is his birthday.

Acorn, Translating to Donguri (どんぐり) in japanese, uses she/her, incredibly brave and can turn anything into a weapon when needed and has good combat skills because of that despite being only 11. Second oldest and September 8 is her birthday

Kai, translating into Kai (甲斐) in japanese, uses he/him. A trickster that has excellent craftmanship, being able to make clones out of really anything, hiding and disguises are his talent. 10 years old and birthday is July 19.

Moth, translating into Ga (蛾) in japanese and uses they/them. Moth is mute and always carries art supplies for talking, drawing (drawing calms them down.) And etc. For somemreasons the things that Moth draws are the future and what would happen. Although thats just a theory. 9 years old and shares the same birthday of the author which is November 12



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