Chapter 4

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I was now sleeping in my room upstairs in Regina's house, they sent me up to bed after me and Regina's outbursts, after apologizing of course.

I was crying silently, I felt terrible and watched.

"I don't know what to do. Violet is so young, she's only a girl. She just turned 16. She should be 18!" I heard my mother yell and I cried harder, it was true.

I shouldn't be 16, Alice is 18 and we lost contact which kills me. She was my best friend until the day I was taken.

I suppose she must have some grudge against me, considering that she lost both of her best fiends, me and Brian.

Oh Brian, don't even get me started on how terrible I still feel. I visit his tombstone very once and while and sit there and talk to him.

I only hope he's forgiven me in the after life, it's my fault he's dead. If I had just refused to fall asleep that day, he would still be alive.

Alice woudnt have been alone for almost two years and sure, maybe I would still be trapped on Neverland but better me than them. They're innocent, I'm a murderer.

I didn't realize I fell asleep until I opened my eyes and saw that I was now wearing a white long dress and standing in field surrounded by trees and covered with flowers.

I smiled happily, feeling at peace. I looked up and around, giggling. I felt happy. Was this peace? Am I dead?

I looked up and saw familiar tall blonde figure.

I narrowed my eyes as I realized that it was Felix! I immediately started running towards him and hugged him immediately.

I noticed while running that he looked different, his hair was covered in dirt and he wasn't wearing terrible clothing.

He wrapped his long arms around me as I started to cry from happiness.

"How is this possible?! I thought I'd never see you again." I thought aloud and he laughed and I realized.

I'm dreaming.

I frowned as I realized this, I was much happier here than my room in Storybooke. I felt a peace for once.

Your hair." He said dumbfounded and wrapped a long golden curl around his finger. I smiled a that, my hair has changed a lot over the years. At one point I had pink streaks in it and to say that my mother and Mary Margaret were furious is an understatement.

They lectured and scolded me for hours on end on how it was unladylike and not right for a princess.

"You're sad." He said as he brought up his index finger to gently wipe my tear.

"Hey don't cry. I'm with you, I've been with you this entire time Violet." He said and I smiled.

"You've been watching over me?" I asked and he nodded.

"Of course. I've seen the days where your smiling and giggling, and the days where you've cried yourself to sleep. Calling out my name." He said and I hugged him tighter.

It was true, back in Neverland when I cried every night. Felix would almost always come in and hug me until I fell asleep. I still remember what I would be thinking while I cried. 'I want my mom' Pathetic right?

"Peters back for me." I said as I pulled away from the hug and looked up at him. He still towered over me, I hadn't grown that much since I last saw him.

"You can escape. You lost all hope then and you're free now. You have lived Violet." He said with a smile and I shook my head as tears filled my eyes.

"No, I haven't lived at all." I told him and he looked confused. "Yes, I'm happy when I'm with my family but when I'm in Storybrooke, even when I am happy, there's this thought in the back of my head." I paused for a second.

"Where all I can think about is what happened." I said and Felix hugged me once again and pulled my head into his chest.

"You'll make it through this Violet. You're the strongest girl I know." He said as I pulled away from our hug.

"I still remember the first time I saw you look genuinely happy in Neverland, you had spent the whole day playing games with the lost boys and you wore wild flowers in your hair." He said and I smiled remembering that day.

Peter had been so kind to me the whole day, he had let me do what I wanted with no limits. It was the only time I genuinely liked the boy.

I felt myself fading away and I looked up at Felix. "I miss you Felix." I told him and smiled sadly.

"I miss you too." He said and I hugged him tighter as I faded away and woke up.

I woke up to Hook picking me and starting carry me. "What's going on?" I groggily asked. I miss Felix.

"It's not safe here anymore. We're taking you to New York." He said softly as he carried me down the stairs and to Regina's car.

He set me down in the backseat and I sprawled out my legs and closed my eyes. Luckily Hook had wrapped my blanket around me when he carried me here.

I saw Regina talking with Emma and Rumplestiltskin and my mother was talking to Hook. I couldn't really hear what they were saying.

All I heard was. "Keep my baby safe." From my mother as she spoke to Hook and Regina. Regina looked annoyed as she said this and Hook nodded before giving her a hug.

I saw Emma give a look of jealousy and a small smile rose to my face. They're so in love with each other.

Hook and Regina entered the car and started to drive. I was slowly falling asleep when we suddenly stopped abruptly and the car spun out of control.

"What the hell is going on?" I half yelled annoyed I was waking up.

"Stay in here. Don't move!" Regina said as she and Hook got out of the car.

I propped myself up on my elbows and peeked out of the car window. My eyes as I saw Peter standing there before Hook and Regina.

He had a playful smirk on his face and his eyebrows were dancing playfully.

I blinked hard, expecting him to go away but when I opened my he wasn't gone. He was still standing there, talking to Regina and Hook.

I couldn't hear anything they were saying, I was too shocked and afraid to hear anything.

Soon enough all three of them were fighting each other. I was too afriad to peel my eyes away from the fight I was seeing.

"Run! Violet Run!" Hook yelled as he fought Pan. I stood up immediately and started to run out of the car.

I noticed we weren't that much out of Storybrooke as I ran as fast as my legs could carry me.

I heard the sound of bodies dropping and I turned around and tears filled my eyes as I saw Regina and Hook both on the floor now.

Peter turned his head to look at me and I immediately began running again.

"Help! Peter Pan!" I yelled and suddenly I got tackled to the floor. It was Peter and we were both now rolling around on the floor as I tried to get him off of me.

I punched him in the stomach and he groaned, "Leave me alone you pervert!"

He grabbed a hold of my hair and dragged me to the ground. "Ow! Not the hair!" I yelled angrily and I laughed feeling hope as I saw some of the Storybrooke residents turn their porch lights on.

"Say one word, and next person I go after is your brother." He said in my ear and I stayed quiet, fearing for my older brother.

The porch lights turned off and all hope was lost. It's over for me.

Peter got off of me and looked at me before punching me across the face! That was the last thing I saw.

"Looks like I'm going to miss Christmas again." I muttered before passing out.

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