Chapter 6

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I grunted as I picked up the sword, I was pretty skilled at fighting but making me fight the biggest lost boy?

I swear Peter is trying to kill me.

It was strange being back on Neverland, even worse I actually have to share a bed with Peter now.

It's been 3 weeks and every morning I wake up to him holding me. I've been trying to look like I'm happy but it's extremely hard.

I can't act happy around the boy who killed two of my friends.

The lost boys now vary in size, and most of them are the same from the first time I was here. Some of them did grow up but most of them were the same.

Even Devin is here, I know he was probably first to volunteer. He was furious when he found out Pan was killed and refused to talk to me until my 15th birthday, when he showed up with with deoardant as my gift?

I know he missed it here and in some terrible way I have too. Life before Peter killed Brian on Neverland wasn't terrible, I had some freedom and actually enjoyed it.

But that changed when my best friend died.

I swung the sword and leaped forward, e lost boy, (whose name I haven't found out) dodged my sword but fell on the floor doing so.

He kicked me in the foot and I yelped and fell. I kicked my legs upward and stood up in a fast motion. I was faster than him and brought my sword to his neck.

I smiled triumphantly, I had won.

"I win." I smiled looking down at him and walked away before he could sweep me again.

The lost boys cheered as I won but there were the few that were booing since they don't want a girl to win.

I walked through the lot of them and sat on a log away from everyone else while still smiling.

I can't help but wonder what the hell they are doing in Storybrooke. I was sure that they would come almost immediately, but eventually one day, two days, three days, and eventually weeks have passed.

I don't know if they're having issues or if there just relieved that they don't have to deal with me and my trauma.

I miss everyone but I miss my immidate family the most. I miss waking to Finley trying to scare me, I miss my mother and painting with her, and I miss learning how to fight with my father.

I didn't realize I was crying until I felt a tear hit my hand. I looked down and wiped them. There is no place of comfort for me anymore, of course I still cry every night but only when Peter isn't around.

Last time I was here every time I felt sad I would go to Felix, who somehow always had a way to make me laugh but now I'm completely alone.

Someone suddenly sat down next to me and I turned and saw probably the second most beautiful boy I've seen. (After Peter sadly)

My eyes widened, and he smiled nicely. It looked like a real one. He looked to be around my age as well.

He had a light brown, mop head and beutiful green eyes. He had the same coloring as Peter but Peter looked more like an elf. This boy looked like a fallen angel from heaven.

"Hi, I'm Sam." He smiled and I couldn't help but smile back.

"I'm Violet." I reached my hand out for a hand shake and he brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it. I felt my cheeks flush as the entire we held eye contact.

I talked with him and got to know him for a while, the entire time I saw Devin staring at us with a glare of what looked to be jealousy?

We talked for a while until Peter came stomping like a child into camp and grabbed me by the arm.

I looked back at Sam who looked at me confused.

Peter pinned me against the tree and got close to my face. "What do you think you're doing?" His hot breath fanned my face and my face scrunched up in disgust.

"Making a friend? Not my fault I'm the only girl here." I told him in a sarcastic tone and he narrowed his eyes.

"Don't get mouthy." He said as he backed off.

"I don't want you that close to him. You can still talk to him but don't get close with him." He said and I nodded.

He kissed me on the cheek, which I was grateful for, he hasn't kissed me on the lips yet which makes me happy. I've only ever kissed one other boy.

He walked over to help some of the lost boys with their training and I walked over to Devin who scoffed as he saw me.

"What do you want? Traitor." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't be like that. I was miserable before and you know it." I told him and he didn't reply and turn his head to look me.

"Go talk to your new friend. I know you like him better now." He said and I smirked.

"Is someone jealous?" I asked his turquoise eyes widened. "N-no! Of course not!" He denied and I laughed.

"You'll always be special to me. I had my first kiss with you." I winked and brought up my hand to brush his lips with my thumb.

His cheeks got immediately red and I kissed him on the cheek and patted his shoulder before walking off to climb a tree.

I climbed as high as I could and looked around at Neverland. The wind was blowing in my hair and there was only one thing on my mind.

Sam, I couldn't stop thinking about him for some reason. I don't like him though, of course not.

Last time I mentioned a boy to Peter he killed him. So liking him just isn't an option.

And I'm extremely lucky that Peter hasn't found out about the kids Devin and me shared. It would result in both of our deaths.

The wind blew my golden curls into my face and I smiled, I felt like I could breath for once as I looked at the trees and blue sky.

If only things could be like this forever.

I stayed like that for a couple of minutes, time felt like nothing, until I heard screams of pain. I shot up immediately and jumped down from the tree and sprinted to where I heard the screams.

I grabbed a sword that was on the floor and ran into the tent where the screams were, I was met with Tootles trying to pull Peter away and Sam on the floor, being beaten by Peter.

"Stop it! Stop it!" I yelled and held the sword up to Peters neck, he looked at me in shock and disgust.

"You would dare to defend this trash?" He spat.

"I will not let you hurt him anymore." I said slowly and he stormed out of the tent and both me and Tootles ran to Sams aid.

What in the world am I suppose to do? I've never felt so alone.


Heyyy Merry late Christmas!

I'm not too sure on where to go with this whole Sam thing. So let me know what you think should happen!

As always, thanks for reading

-ur friend that should've gotten a chinchilla for Christmas

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